Monday, February 27, 2012

Gypsy blood

Yes. It's been a while. I would say too long, but I don't think the world was really missing out on the ramblings of what some would call a mad woman.

Despite my absolute exhaustion I simply can not sleep tonight. My OCD seems to have gotten the best of me. All day long the word safe has played over and over in my head. I remember the last time I felt safe: laying in someone else's bed, listening to them breathe, feeling their body next to mine. For some reason today that thought spiraled out of control.

So the fort is my place of safety tonight and the star lamp makes it feel less lonely.

Things I've learned lately:
You can sit hours in the book store, camped on the floor, and they never kick you out.
My parents are amazing. And understanding. And loving.
Good friends are worth fighting for, heartbreak is worth walking away from.

I have come to the understanding that I was born with gypsy blood. The wander's pulse is the one in my veins. I am a slave only to the sea and wind.
My home is the world, it is the place I call my own.

And with that, I hopefully, bid you good night.