Friday, March 9, 2012


I love the rain. Always have.
(Besides a brief period of my childhood I was scared of getting sucked up by tornados.)
Even more than rain I love storms!
Adore them.
The lightning.
The thunder.
The cold.
The dark foreboding clouds.
When the electricity goes out I can hardly conceal my utter delight!

This morning was one of those morning, minus the electricity going out.
Total down pour. A little hail. Thunder that make the building shake.
And I was watching out the window thinking about how I don't understand being scared of a storm mostly because I'm safe in a building.

I had a dream a few weeks ago that I was in a storm like that but in the ocean. Just me and my little boat.
Of a storm. Something I love so much.
And suddenly Alex was there.
And he took my hand.
And he told me I would be ok.

And I will be.

Also this morning I realized I was glad that I had kept my heart open and foolish. I'm glad I hope. Once again, I'll be ok. I would rather be hopeful and look a fool than cold and bitter. Don't get me wrong. I'm a pessimist. But I choose to live like an optimist and hope for the best. :)
It's happier that way.

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