Monday, April 4, 2011

All That Really Matters is I slacklined!

Today was a little long considering I'm in full blown sinus/ear infection. My body is just getting tired!
Highlight of work though, Stella was being so adorable. During outside time she even decided I was her baby and was protecting me from a dragon. She would come up and say things like:
"Ok, be safe baby, I'm going to the woods to get that dragon so he doesn't get you!"
"Don't worry honey, you're safe with me around!"
"Here sweetie bear, hold this rock and it will keep you from being scared!"
After a while though, she got cold and returned to being Stella, not my mother, curled up in my lap and told me she was going to miss me so much while I was gone for lunch. :D

Speaking of lunch, I came home and ate really gross, but cheap, can soup. Then all the snot in my system made me throw it all back up. Yuck.
Luckily for me, I have a beautiful room mate who came home and made a yummy vegetarian rice/beans/chickpea/cheese/sun dried tomato meal with home made sweet potato fries and cut up strawberries. It made me very happy after being so hungry all day!
This was not the kind I had :) But I do so love Andy Warhol!
In other news, I WENT SLACKLINING AGAIN! I was actually kind of nervous to go without Kyr for some reason. I don't know why, I know that's silly, but I was. I got there though and got a drink from Daily Juice and then joined right in. I had a lot of fun. I'm still far from good, but I'm already better than last time. I also got to snuggle with a puppy in perfect weather with good company by the lake in Austin and nothing makes me quite as happy.

I'm not this good yet...
Speaking of which, I'm going home tomorrow afternoon for a dr. appointment. I tried to live off veggie juice and see if I would just recover, but I haven't, and the kids I work with deserve better than grumpy, sinus infection teacher. I hate antibiotics, but it's better than a burst ear drum I suppose....the reason this is really exciting is a) dinner with my parents whom I love! and b) a good cuddle with Bella and Gunner before I come back to Austin.

Can't wait to see my Bella Bear!!!

Lastly, I just watched a movie that made me very angry with our government. I am not going to turn this into a rant blog where I trash the government every day. Hell, I don't even watch the news so I wouldn't have much to say, but sometimes they just really piss me off. That makes me mad, but I usually expect that from government. I don't think humans can do it perfectly. What makes me mad is that I feel like protesting is just trying to out scream someone much louder than "us" and I don't really care to be in a screaming match. I like the idea of saying what I think and making a difference, I just don't really think it works very well with our government being so big. I don't have a single answer, I just know I don't like it.
"When Benjamin Franklin left Independence Hall just after the second drafting, he was approached by a woman on the street. The woman said, 'Mr. Franklin, what manner of government have you bequeathed us?' And Franklin said, 'A republic madame, if you can keep it.'" - Fair Game (Based on a story)

This has nothing to do with anything besides the fact that I like it and it has the statue of liberty on it....

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