Monday, April 11, 2011

The most interesting man in the world

My blog is so far from the most interesting anything anywhere. It's so boring I didn't even want to read my last one to see where I stopped...what do I do about this????

Once upon a time there was a girl named Tamikaze Jay who was making this huge transition but she couldn't quite get anywhere with it. She was working and living and trying to be grown up, at the same time as being spontaneous and interesting and fun. She was failing.
Her blog sucked, her life was boring, and she didn't do much of anything with anyone.

She also thought she had to switch gyms since hers had been invaded by the evil "Dr. Luckypants" and his assistant, "Tricky Sellout." If she wasn't safe at the gym, where was she safe? Unless of course the courageous Krazy Kellogg would come with her??? To join forces against evil??? What would she do??

Then she watched a good movie (Garden State), and she hung out with cool people. Her wonderful friend Shady Gaga told her "tamakaze, the right boy will love you on days when the sun comes out of your face and on days when the sun shines out of your ass. no matter what they will love you, and fix you and make you better, make you laugh, make you cry, but its all worth it."  And Krazy Kell assured her people can love her despite being insane and she once again realized, it's all going to be ok. She's still scared, but it's getting so much better. 

Then one day a giant bear met her at the base of the apartment stairs. She was wearing her roller skates. She evaded him with her mad skating skills and kicked his ass! Then she rolled all the way to the roller derby that was that day and raced and won and they all wanted her on their teams and it was amazing. Then someone gave her millions of dollars, most of which she gave away and the rest she used to fulfill her life dreams and buy a boat and sail away with the man of her dreams. It was bad ass.

Ok, so I suck at story telling....


Friday was a long day getting ready for garage sale then babysitting Stella. I worked from 8 am to midnight. Yawn. I did watch Garden State and forgot how much I love that movie. Two things:
1. I'm kind of like the main girl in that movie, Sam. Not exactly, but I am crazy insane sometimes. I think I need to let that be ok instead of hiding it. As Kyr and Sio have reminded me, someday, some boy is going to like me for me, including the crazy insane parts.
This is your one opportunity to do something that no one has ever done before, and that no one will copy throughout human existence. And if nothing else, you will be remembered as the one guy who ever did this. This one thing.- Same

2. the second. I wish there was a real infinite abyss to explore...i guess the whole point is life is like that abyss, but I would rather have a real one to figure out. :) Except I don't do caves. So maybe not...

Andrew Largeman: Hey Albert 
Albert: Yeah? 
Andrew Largeman: Good luck exploring the infinite abyss. 
Albert: Thank you, and Hey, you too 

Saturday was great. The garage sale for school was LONG and I got super sunburned, but I actually enjoyed it.  Also I only got 1 hr of sleep the night before....not enough.
Room mate love
After that I went and picked up Siobhan and headed to to barton where we met up with Kyr and Lauren.
I love barton. :)

It was a lot of fun. Then Sio and I went to eat food with her family. I LOVE FAMILY TIME!
I love it with my family.
I love it with other people's families, especially ones like that, the non-family family I have been blessed with.
Then I went home and then Anthony came over and picked me up and we went down town and hung out with some people from his work. It was a lot of fun! I enjoyed it immensely.

Sunday I actually made it to church and to family lunch.
Then I stopped and talked to Jen and Chris and Hollis since they were in their front yard. I love them. I feel like I belong in some odd, unexplainable way. It's a good feeling.

Today was boring. I went to the gym at lunch.
I thought ____ was there.
It was a false alarm.
Praise god.
I'm so paranoid now I'm going to run into _____ and it's going to be all... annoying.

Now I'm at _______ with _______ who's doing this thing were ___ can get killed, so to protect his/her identity, this is all you can know, I'm wearing their safety shower cap and using their bad ass water gun. To protect the innocent, the weak and the cowardly.

Soil, Soil: Tegan and Sara

I feel like a fool so i'm going to stop troubling you
Buried in my yard a letter to send to you
And if i forget or god forbid die too soon
Hope that you'll hear me know that i wrote to yo

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