Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Grossed out

Well the good news is I've lost weight. The bad news is it's only because my stomach is so full of snot. Gross.
My nose hurts from having to wipe it a billion times a day and I got tired of sniffing, so this is how I'm writing this:

Hot, right??

Also, I am so disturbed by the creep-tastic "spirit" movement. It's so rotten. Ugh. Nasty. Gross. Sorry Jesus this is confected to you. It's so clear in the Bible that false spirits would enter the church and take many from the truth. Found them! I know it makes me want nothing to do with church. Yikes. *coughcoughcoughhamptoncoughcough*
"Tokin' the ghost."
"Channeling" angels
Becoming so drunk they can't walk, talk, move, think, anything?
I found this and like it:
Not sure I agree with everything said, but I like it more than the other view right now.

Dear _______,
Please just leave me the ______ alone. I want to be done with you for good. You serve little purpose and do nothing but _____ the ______ around you.
Just, go away!
Don't say sorry.
Don't explain.
Don't talk to me about it over coffee.
Your friend, lover, and all-time biggest enemy


I'm too grossed out to blog about my day.
I'll talk about the good stuff tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Girly music and the worst food ever

Ew, ew, ew, ew.
Today I was exhausted and full of gross nasty snot.
I barely made it through work.
Then this made my lunch somewhat pleasant.

Only somewhat.

Then I took Gigi and Felix home from school, talked to Dave (their dad) for a while, and walked over to the school for the 5th grade fundraiser. Pizza and ice cream. Up to this point in today I ate:
2 cookies from work
1 cookie from home
20 robin's egg candy
1 piece veggie pizza
1 coke zero
1 diet coke
1 ice cream with M&M's on top
1 bowl tomato soup

Sugar, some more sugar on top, followed by some fake sugar and some fatty pizza...oh and some tomato soup.
Needless to say I felt gross and had a sugar/caffeine crash by the time I got home.

Praise god Kyrsten was going to work out, because other wise I would have laid down and gone to sleep. As it turned out, I went with her and ended up working out. I felt much better after that. Then I came home and took a really long and wonderful bath. In the bath though, something happened that could change my life as I know it....

like this was possible the worst choice I've made in the last year....

What the FUCK was I thinking????

Ok. I know what I was thinking. I was thinking, "man, I love shaved legs." (As I shaved my legs)
"I should shave my arms." "NO! That's stupid. What about when you don't feel like it and they get prickly!" "Oh, it's fine....I could do it. Marlee does it. Her arms are all soft and smoo.." "NO! What the f tj, snap out of it! You know this is stupid. Do not do it!" "Hmm. Summer. Tan. Smooth arms. Womanly. Models do it....tra la la la" "STOP! Please for the love of all that is good quit doing what you're doing!!!!"

I was futile in convincing myself that this was the stupidest thing ever.
I love my 5 min showers.
I love that sometimes I don't shave and I don't care.
I have ruined that!
Plus I have doubled the chances that I miss a spot and I always miss a spot shaving. Ugh.
Nair? Waxing? Is there a solution???

On the bright side:
They do feel fan-fucking-tastic!
And they look pretty good too if you ask me.

Ok anyways. I'm going to detox my body so hard core. I feel all nasty.
So vegan-ish. Raw-ish. Juicing more. You know.
That kind of thing. :)
I don't believe in extremes with diets, so I'm only going to mostly do it. Sundays off. And it someone is buying, I screw it and eat what they give me. :)

So I'm about to juice some kale and collard greens, drink it, juice some more for tomorrow, and go. to. bed.

Girly music.
Jar of Hearts, Born This Way, and F**king Perfect have been on all night.
I am not ashamed.
It's good.
I like it.

Also today:
Anthony sent this to me forever ago and I found it today and laughed and laughed. it's so great.

PS. I was reading old journals earlier, I know why I have issues. People just simply love to screw each other over. :(
I remember the first time I used this.
I'm glad I decided to be happy even if I do think the world is out to get me! :D

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just When I Was Getting Proud...

So I'll be honest, last night, I was feeling pretty happy with myself with handling quite a lot of shit that this past week had to throw at me.
Then I got a cold.
Or allergies, or whatever the fuck it is. I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that it has completely wiped me out.
Also painfully honest, sometimes when I feel like this, I want a boyfriend. I want someone who gives a damn about how long this week was, how long this upcoming week is going to be, and who will watch HIMYM or South Park with me while I eat tomato soup. I don't need to waited on or petted, those things annoy me for the most part. I just want someone.
Ew gross. Enough of that.

I like this.

I want to juice some juice.
But first to the gym with Kyrkyr. :)
Then to HEB (also with my roomie) for juicing things.
Healthy = now.
So my body can look like this..... (HAH)

DDDAAAAMMMNNNNN. She's smoking. :)

The good news:
I worked enough to go from completely broke to not so broke in one weekend!
Hell. Yeah.
I worked the shit out of this weekend!

I'm ready for the summer-->

Sunday, March 27, 2011

To blog or not to blog

That is the question of the moment.
The answer is blog, but only a short one.

See I already wrote in my other blog/journal today. It's set to like super-duper secret (learned that lesson) so don't even bother trying to find it if any of you are nosy like that.

I couldn't get to church (Thanks a lot Capital 10k) and so I got a small coffee and wrote about life, went to my Grandparents for lunch, and then went to watch Amari who was sick.

Then I was sitting here thinking about how it was about my bed time and I had a few choices:
1. blog
2. play guitar
3. clean
4. go to the store and get cherry coke zero

I played guitar.
I cleaned my room.
I folded all our laundry.
I picked up the cups sitting out in the living room.
I played piano.
I took meds (for my headache and cold symptoms I'm developing).
I laid on the floor and thought about how frustrating and confusing and exhausting my life was this week.

Then the big question:
Blog? or Go for cherry coke zero???

I decided I could do both if I blogged in less than 15 min.
This is it!
Now to HEB.
Because heaven knows I'm going to need some caffein this week....

I'll leave you with this
I don't care if you think she's stupid, or I'm stupid for liking her, Christina Perri is hot. I like her tattoos and I actually like her voice too.
So there.

Love it will not betray you
Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free
Be more like the man you were made to be
There is a design, an alignment, a cry
Of my heart to see,
The beauty of love as it was made to be
-Mumford and Sons

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Yee Haw.

Today was exhausting but wonderful.

I got up early (7 am) to an unpleasant surprise, but recovered quickly as I left to perfect weather. I got to Hollis' house and since he was still sleeping had a great conversation with Chris and Jen, his parents. I adore them. They're great. Chris is even going to set me up with the group he sails with so I can learn to sail!!!!!!!! If you don't know, this is one of my top 5 goals.

After they left, Hollis and I got ready and went to Felix and Gigi's house. The kids played and LeeAnn and I had a great conversation as well.

Then another family joined us and we all headed to the rodeo! It was hot and tiring and absolutely wonderful. I love LeeAnn. She makes me feel like a human, not a child care worker or hired help or young and awkward. She just talks to me like I'm normal. We had a great time. The kids were so good! They were calm and obedient. I could not ask for more.

Ok, my one request would have been for more shade...I got like super double sunburn now. WOO!
The good news is, Jen let me use her frankincense and jojoba oils which helped a lot, and then LeeAnn gave me some Tea Tree Lotion stuff she had made at home. :) I love working for such cool, giving, interesting, healthy, organic, calm, down to earth, not suburban, moms. I hope I'm just like them when I'm a mom.

I also got to see Noah today!!!! It was great. Now I hope we're going to hang out sometime soon!

Now I'm home, I've finally eaten, and I'm debating between bed and a's only 8:30, but I am so tired. Probably bed.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Bad day, Good day, Great Day

So I didn't sleep at all last night. I might as well be strung out on hard core drugs right about now. :) WOO!

Work was not as long or as horrible as I was expecting. I actually wasn't even that tired. Deesha and I are getting along really well, I know more of the parents, I am so so so glad I work there!

After work I came home exhausted and decided to go lay out for a while by the pool at my apartment. I set my alarm for 20 min and woke up and hour later to a fairly burnt back. Oops. Then I rolled over and set my alarm again. I then woke up to an older man tapping my shoulder. It was about two hours later and he informed me I was looking very burnt and very asleep. Haha. I. Am. Fried. So red.

Siobhan came to pick me up a couple hours later and she took me to her house where her parents had Galaxy Cafe waiting for us! Yum!! Food! I hadn't eaten anything, so I was pretty grateful. Then Siobhan took our places on the couch and watch Criminal Minds like normal for the rest of the night.
Ok, so whenever we're together we always lay in the same spots and watch crime shows for hours. Sometimes from like 3 in the afternoon till like 4 am. Hahaha.
But tonight, we watched one criminal minds, just one, and then went out! Be proud. This is a huge step for us.
We went where she used to work and I got to meet her very funny, very flirty ex-co-workers.
Then my beautiful date took me to see Paul, a VERY very funny movie. I laughed so hard. Maybe harder than anyone else in the theatre.
Sio and I had a great time laughing and talking about boys and life and how difficult boys make was excellent.
I'm going to be real honest here for a second. If I was Siobhan or her parents, I would not love me like they do. I wasn't a very good friend for a little while because one of those stupid boys.
I'm very lucky.

Now I've lost my roommate and I hope she's ok! If anything happens to her while she's out, I'll kill anyone responsible. :)

Anyways. I'm home now and about to go get 6 hours of sleep before I get up to go get Hollis.
I'm watching him tomorrow and meeting up with LeeAnn (a mom from work) and her two kids and we're all going to the rodeo. I am stoked. I love all three kids and Leeann is awesome and Hollis' mom Jen is wonderful. I am really blessed. I am very burnt, I am very tired, and my life is a little stressed lately, but today has been a great step back towards me being happy. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Not my Year

Today has totally and completely sucked face. Ugh. OK. It could have been worse, there were a few good things. I actually tried really really hard to be happy today. I would like to say I've been trying really damn hard for a while... it just proved too difficult today. I don't want to be sad and angry anymore! Lordy.

To start out I had dream all night that the cops where coming for me and John Malkovich was offering to bail me out fir sexual favors and I was stealing Vanilla Dr. Pepper that in my dream I was super obsessed with. Needless to say I woke up feeling less than restful.
I had that sick feeling in my stomach all day.
Deesha and I both got a headache because everyone was being so loud today. It was like every kid drank coffee on the way to school this morning.

Then at lunch I went to take care of my warrant.
I call the office before I go in and talk to a woman who I won't name here. She told me all I needed was an ID and that was it.
I show up. They take my purse and everything and I feel like a total criminal. The same woman I talked to on the phone is at the desk.
We discuss the basics. She was super rude. Then-
Her: Would you like to see a judge instead. You have a good case?
Me: I have to get back to work...
Her: He's available now. It doesn't take that long.
Me: Um. Ok sure.
Her: OK, you have to pay $1,000 dollars bond first.
Me: Why?
Her: You know, so you don't just run off.
Me: Between here and the judge?
Her: It's policy.
Me: I see. Well I don't have that money, so I'll just pay my $531 dollars. *I get out my check book*
Her: You can't pay with a check. Cash or credid card. There's a percentage added if you pay with credit card. You can just run to the bank real fast.
(this place is like 40 min drive from my bank)
Me: Well at that point I would be out of time for my work break and out of gas in my car.
Her: Hmm. Well then credit card.
Me: You know, when I called this would have been helpful to know. *at this point I'm like sobbing*
Her: You know, you should have thought of that before you broke the law.
Me: Wow. You are such a bitch.
Her: Don't get angry at me for your bad choices.
Me: Oh whatever, I hope you go to hell.
Blah blah blah.

*I then sit and cry while she does some paper work and this cop comes over to tell me I'm going to fine and then he came back and offered to get me some water and then like 30+ people there sat watching me sob. Awkward.*

Her: Ok miss Rowton, here you go. Have a good day. *Sarcastic tone and fake smile*
Me: *Fake smile* Fuck you very much.
I then stormed off crying.
It was humiliating and horrible and depressing.

Then I cried some more.
Went back to work.
Then I went to hampton and ate and then watched a scary movie and then shit got weird and horrible and everything went to pot, like it always does there. I hate that house. We do not get along.

I hate that I don't know how to protect everyone and make everyone happy. It's like I think I'm doing the right thing and then things get all messed up and I don't know what happened or how to fix it.
And somehow, I end up getting hurt and crying all the way home and yeah...

drama blog!
I'm going to the gym now. At 1:30 in the morning.
And by the time I get back it will all make sense.
The gym makes everything better.

The good things about this day:
1. I thought I wasn't going to have anything to eat today but then a mom brought us pumpkin bread and Deesha and I made salsa with the kids and ate it with chips and peter made steak and salad. Three meals. Thank you Jesus.

2. I no longer have to be scared of every cop.

3. I'm working enough to pay rent!

4. the weather was great.

5. starfish hugs.

6. I have a dad that doesn't judge me when I call and cry and tell him I "want to punch that fucking lady's head in." I have a good dad.

Yup. That's it.

I just need to get some control back in my life!

Song: Not Your Year: The Weepies
Scattered shadows on a wall, you watch the long light fall
Some impressions stay and some will fade
Tattered shoes outside your door, clothes all on the floor
Your life feels like the morning after all year long.

Every day it starts again
You cannot say if you're happy
You keep trying to be
Try harder, maybe this is not your year.

Movies, TV screens reflect just what you expected
There's a world of shiny people somewhere else
Out there following their bliss
living easy, getting kissed
while you wonder what else you're doing wrong

Breathe through it, write a list of desires
Make a toast, make a wish, slash some tires
Paint a heart repeating, beating "don't give up, don't give up, don't give up."

Song dua: Horses: Dala
I am the girl who won't let go
I live in my house and I don't like my photos
And I hate the sound of the world outside
And I still haven't found my place to hide

But I saw horses from my window
They were watching all the cars go
And they don't care that I am broken
Close my eyes and run beside them

I saw horses from my window
They were watching all the cars go
And they don't care that I am broken
Close my eyes and run beside them

Through the valleys and the pastures
And I know you'll never find me
'cause I'm already free,
And I'm already free

Song 3: New Romantic: Laura Marling (I am in love with song!)
and I'm sorry to which ever man should meet my sorry state,
watch my steady lonesome gait and beware.
I would never love a man 'cause love and pain go hand in hand
and I can't do it again.

So we stayed up late one night to try and get our problems right,
but I couldn't get into his head just what was going through my mind,
and I think he knew where I was going
he put Ryan Adams on
I think he thinks it makes me weak
it only ever makes me strong.

And I'm sorry to which ever man should meet my sorry state
watch my steady lonesome gait and beware,
I will never love a man 'cause I could never hurt a man in this way.
I will never love a man cause I could never hurt a man, not in this new romantic way.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Power of Lists

I love lists. I think in lists. I make at least 3 a day at work on little slips of paper. I have a little book in my purse that is just for making lists as I think of them. I make shopping lists, to do lists, lists of goals, who I want to be, what I want to do. It's a little ridiculous. It's like if I plan my whole life I can control it. What's especially stupid about it is that I'm way too much of a spontaneous person for this to work. So I end up making a thousand lists and still being unorganized and all over the place. It's the worst possible combination of OCD and relaxed. Ugh.

Anyways, since I worked for 12.5 hours today today, I've decided to go with lists for today.

A) Colors of the day (as decided by Gigi, Amari, Hollis, and Felix)
1. Red- we planted red flowers today and put rocks we painted like ladybugs in the garden as well.
2. Blue-for the sunny sky in the afternoon.
3. Grey- for the cloudy day this morning.
4. Brown-for planting seeds in the dirt with our fingers.

B) I want to...
...get good at shooting (especially when I turn 21 and can rent guns for free on Mondays!)
...have a good 21st birthday.
...get good at slacklining (and meet and know the people around Austin who do it.
...learn how to rock climb.
...hike in/camp well and often 4 miles in 38 min a half marathon. skinny money.
...go back to school and get a degree.

C) More wedding pictures I like

D) I love these mountain towns. I want to go to them all. They are so pretty!

E) Quotes

F) make me happy

G) Decorate with yellow always.

H) I miss my dogs

I) I want to make these both.

Music of the day:
Mumford and Sons: After the Storm

After The Storm Lyrics

And after the storm,
I run and run as the rains come
And I look up, I look up,
on my knees and out of luck,
I look up.

Night has always pushed up day
You must know life to see decay
But I won't rot, I won't rot
Not this mind and not this heart,
I won't rot.

And I took you by the hand
And we stood tall,
And remembered our own land,
What we lived for.

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

And now I cling to what I knew
I saw exactly what was true
But oh no more.
That's why I hold,
That's why I hold with all I have.
That's why I hold.

I will die alone and be left there.
Well I guess I'll just go home,
Oh God knows where.
Because death is just so full and mine so small.
Well I'm scared of what's behind and what's before.

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

Alpha Rev: Goodbye from The Start
Is there anybody in there to come outside and play?
Did I run around you, did you run away?
Now there is nothing left but promises to fade

Was it goodbye from the start?
Coffee on Sunday and a walk in the dark
To your beautiful sadness when you stole my heart
Was it a goodbye, goodbye from the start?

Did I ask too many questions or have I been a pest?
Is there someone in the parlor thinking they know best?
Were you afraid of waking up inside another mask?

Was it goodbye from the start?
Stranded and lost when you hopped in my car
There's a beautiful sadness when you stole my heart
Was it a goodbye, goodbye?

From the beginning of the blinded eye
And the weakened of the weakened mind
I should know wherever we're leaving
Let it go, it's just a good time

Will you please forget me?
Can you learn to try again?
Can you try again?

Was it goodbye from the start?
Coffee on Sunday and a walk in the dark
To your beautiful sadness when you stole my heart
Was it just a good time?

Was it goodbye from the start?
Now there is nothing left but promises
And the beautiful sadness when you broke my heart
Was it a goodbye, goodbye from the start?