Sunday, March 6, 2011

Guns and Poetry

I want this.

Today was better than expected. I should have gone to church. I missed not going. I did play my guitar though. After that I went to my Grandparents for birthday lunch. Her old ex was there. They're really good friends now. He's a really cool Bosnian refugee who has an incredible story of escape, rescue, and making it in a foreign country. When I was in Uganda he was determined he would be the one to get me out if I was kidnapped and held for ransom.

Cutest game EVER. And the only video game I will play.

After lunch I came home and cleaned a little and started getting all mopey because I didn't have anyone to do anything with. Haha. Pathetic, I know. Well, about the time I decided my grand adventure was going to be going to Walmart for a blender, Anthony called to see if I would go with Aaron and him to the shooting range. Lots of fun. They're both really really nice about me being occasionally girly and being the worlds best shot. In fact, Anthony even claimed I was quite good. :) I got to shoot a 45 and Aaron's 9mm. It always starts making me real jumpy by the end. We returned to Aaron's and played Little Big Planet and ate popcorn with Aaron's room mate Josh. It was a lot of fun. I'm younger than them by a bit but I don't feel belittled for the most part with them. I really enjoyed it.

Good trip. Both these guys are so much fun!

Then I had to come home so Kyrsten and I could go to the store. I like shopping with her more than I like going alone. We also had more of a plan this time. Unfortunately it's already 2:00 am and I have work in the morning. Ugh. So peace for now.

Song of the Day: Academia: Sia

You can be my alphabet and I will be your calculator
And together we'll work out on the escalator
I will time you as you run up the down
And you'll measure my footsteps as I blow through this town
The mean of our heights is divided by the nights
Which is times'd by the daggers and the route of all our fights,
The pass of your poem is to swathe me in your knowing
And the beauty of the word is that you don't have to show it

Oh academia you can't pick me up
Soothe me with your words when I need your love

I am a dash and you are a dot
When will you see that I am all that you've got
I'm a binary code that you cracked long ago
But to you I'm just a novel that you wish you'd never wrote
I'm greater than x and lesser than y, so why is it
That I still can't catch your eye?
You're a cryptic crossword, a song I've never heard
While I sit here drawing circles I'm afraid of being hurt

Oh academia you can't pick me up
Soothe me with your words when I need your love

You're a difficult equation with a knack for heart evasion
Will you listen to my proof or will you add another page on
It appears to me the graph has come and stolen all the laughs
It appears to me the pen has over analysed again
And if I am a number I'm infinity plus one
And if you are five words you are afraid to be the one
And if you are a number you're infinity plus one
And if I am four words then I am needing of your love

My mom used to read this poem to us. I think I feel more and more like it might be my destiny.

If No One Ever Marries Me

Laurence Alma-Tadema

If no-one ever marries me-- And I don't see why they should, For nurse says I am not pretty And I'm seldom very good-- If no one ever marries me I shan't mind very much; I shall buy a squirrel in a cage, And a little rabbit-hutch; I shall have a cottage near a wood, And a pony all my own, And a little lamb, quite clean and tame, That I can take to town; And when I'm getting really old, At twenty-eight or nine-- I shall buy a little orphan girl And bring her up as mine.

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