Sunday, March 27, 2011

To blog or not to blog

That is the question of the moment.
The answer is blog, but only a short one.

See I already wrote in my other blog/journal today. It's set to like super-duper secret (learned that lesson) so don't even bother trying to find it if any of you are nosy like that.

I couldn't get to church (Thanks a lot Capital 10k) and so I got a small coffee and wrote about life, went to my Grandparents for lunch, and then went to watch Amari who was sick.

Then I was sitting here thinking about how it was about my bed time and I had a few choices:
1. blog
2. play guitar
3. clean
4. go to the store and get cherry coke zero

I played guitar.
I cleaned my room.
I folded all our laundry.
I picked up the cups sitting out in the living room.
I played piano.
I took meds (for my headache and cold symptoms I'm developing).
I laid on the floor and thought about how frustrating and confusing and exhausting my life was this week.

Then the big question:
Blog? or Go for cherry coke zero???

I decided I could do both if I blogged in less than 15 min.
This is it!
Now to HEB.
Because heaven knows I'm going to need some caffein this week....

I'll leave you with this
I don't care if you think she's stupid, or I'm stupid for liking her, Christina Perri is hot. I like her tattoos and I actually like her voice too.
So there.

Love it will not betray you
Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free
Be more like the man you were made to be
There is a design, an alignment, a cry
Of my heart to see,
The beauty of love as it was made to be
-Mumford and Sons

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