Monday, March 28, 2011

Just When I Was Getting Proud...

So I'll be honest, last night, I was feeling pretty happy with myself with handling quite a lot of shit that this past week had to throw at me.
Then I got a cold.
Or allergies, or whatever the fuck it is. I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that it has completely wiped me out.
Also painfully honest, sometimes when I feel like this, I want a boyfriend. I want someone who gives a damn about how long this week was, how long this upcoming week is going to be, and who will watch HIMYM or South Park with me while I eat tomato soup. I don't need to waited on or petted, those things annoy me for the most part. I just want someone.
Ew gross. Enough of that.

I like this.

I want to juice some juice.
But first to the gym with Kyrkyr. :)
Then to HEB (also with my roomie) for juicing things.
Healthy = now.
So my body can look like this..... (HAH)

DDDAAAAMMMNNNNN. She's smoking. :)

The good news:
I worked enough to go from completely broke to not so broke in one weekend!
Hell. Yeah.
I worked the shit out of this weekend!

I'm ready for the summer-->

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