Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Girly music and the worst food ever

Ew, ew, ew, ew.
Today I was exhausted and full of gross nasty snot.
I barely made it through work.
Then this made my lunch somewhat pleasant.

Only somewhat.

Then I took Gigi and Felix home from school, talked to Dave (their dad) for a while, and walked over to the school for the 5th grade fundraiser. Pizza and ice cream. Up to this point in today I ate:
2 cookies from work
1 cookie from home
20 robin's egg candy
1 piece veggie pizza
1 coke zero
1 diet coke
1 ice cream with M&M's on top
1 bowl tomato soup

Sugar, some more sugar on top, followed by some fake sugar and some fatty pizza...oh and some tomato soup.
Needless to say I felt gross and had a sugar/caffeine crash by the time I got home.

Praise god Kyrsten was going to work out, because other wise I would have laid down and gone to sleep. As it turned out, I went with her and ended up working out. I felt much better after that. Then I came home and took a really long and wonderful bath. In the bath though, something happened that could change my life as I know it....

like this was possible the worst choice I've made in the last year....

What the FUCK was I thinking????

Ok. I know what I was thinking. I was thinking, "man, I love shaved legs." (As I shaved my legs)
"I should shave my arms." "NO! That's stupid. What about when you don't feel like it and they get prickly!" "Oh, it's fine....I could do it. Marlee does it. Her arms are all soft and smoo.." "NO! What the f tj, snap out of it! You know this is stupid. Do not do it!" "Hmm. Summer. Tan. Smooth arms. Womanly. Models do it....tra la la la" "STOP! Please for the love of all that is good quit doing what you're doing!!!!"

I was futile in convincing myself that this was the stupidest thing ever.
I love my 5 min showers.
I love that sometimes I don't shave and I don't care.
I have ruined that!
Plus I have doubled the chances that I miss a spot and I always miss a spot shaving. Ugh.
Nair? Waxing? Is there a solution???

On the bright side:
They do feel fan-fucking-tastic!
And they look pretty good too if you ask me.

Ok anyways. I'm going to detox my body so hard core. I feel all nasty.
So vegan-ish. Raw-ish. Juicing more. You know.
That kind of thing. :)
I don't believe in extremes with diets, so I'm only going to mostly do it. Sundays off. And it someone is buying, I screw it and eat what they give me. :)

So I'm about to juice some kale and collard greens, drink it, juice some more for tomorrow, and go. to. bed.

Girly music.
Jar of Hearts, Born This Way, and F**king Perfect have been on all night.
I am not ashamed.
It's good.
I like it.

Also today:
Anthony sent this to me forever ago and I found it today and laughed and laughed. it's so great.

PS. I was reading old journals earlier, I know why I have issues. People just simply love to screw each other over. :(
I remember the first time I used this.
I'm glad I decided to be happy even if I do think the world is out to get me! :D

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