Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blue. Azul. Blu. Bleu.

Every day when Kaden is dropped off for school his mom asks him what color day he wants to have. I often times wonder what color day I am going to have. Today, in a great mood, I thought, "Blue. Today is a blue day." Now blue is a happy color to me. It's the sky, it's the water, it's bright, it's cheery. I love it. That's how today started. It ended in the other meaning of blue. As in, sad and moody and angry. I think it's swinging back to good blue now.

Coffee and Cigarettes. I miss you.

Work was pretty good today. Due to a last minute break down by Gigi I ended up getting to talk to LeeAnn who I love talking to.
Why do I want to look like her? Ugh. I can't run that much...

After work I headed to the lake for day two. I did sprints and lunges. Nearly died. I kept thinking my knees where just going to give out. My stomach has started hurting really bad again. I hope recent stress isn't bringing an ulcer back...

The one on the left is Hampton, the one on the right is D.L. Both now irritated by me loosing hope for life.

I didn't due as much as I wanted and left feeling pretty shitty; 1. Because my body hurt all over, 2. Because I hadn't done enough to justify the Robin's Eggs, mashed potatoes, and chicken I ate today. Whatever. After that I thought a lot about school and felt ________ and started _______ in the car on the way home and then _______________. _________________
_____________. _________________________________________________
________________________________. Blah blah blah. No one wants to know. Blah blah. _____________________.


Mark was helping me with my bangs.

I like this boy. He's cool. And funny.

I'm thinking my bangs should look like this more often...

Then we came to Bennu and met Mark here! Caffein and being out of the house and seeing Mark who I haven't seen in a while and laughing and getting hit in the chin with a chair by Kyr. It was good. I'm still a little...blue...but I'm also good blue. So it's ok.


The beautiful Uganda. Blue sky. Green Tea.


Having a clear Kayak would be amazing!

I love jelly fish!

They are so intricate and delicate and scary and fascinating.


Scary shit right here. This is not doctored at all.

I want to try this.

And this. I love water photography.

New Zealand. I want to travel in New Zealand. With my dad.

It's not blue...but it's water. And I took it. :)

Pet Peeves:
1. when people take things that are jokes, seriously. Especially on facebook.
2. when people ask really stupid questions
3. pretty much everything when I'm already in a bad mood. haha.
4. hipsters
5. skulls and crossbones
6. money
7. people who don't know how to communicate
8. flirting.
9. people who only agree with you
10. Calories...

So I play this game when I run at town lake. I know I should just run and not turn everything into a competition, but I can't help myself. Goes like this:
+ 1 point for passing walking groups (so like one point for 3 ladies walking)
+3 points for passing running/jogging girls
+5 points for passing running/jogging men
(sometimes if they're like (i don't mean this to be mean) really fat or old, I count them for less)

-1 point for getting passed by a marathon boy
-3 points for getting passed by running male
-5 points for getting passed by running female
(they count as more if they are really out of shape looking and pass me...)

If someone passes me and I pass them late, I get +5 if they were 1 or 3 pointers, +10 if they were 5 pointers. (no matter how fast they are going when I pass them)

It's great fun. Keeps me motivated.

Spring break soon. I want to go camping. Alone. For at least 2 nights. Maybe at big bend...maybe not... :)

Someday, I want to be in India during Holi. It's essentially a giant color fight. Amazing!

I love laundromats. Especially Italian ones. One night in Venice we played in one for like an hour. So much fun. I miss my class...

If I still had any hope of finding love (whatever the fuck that even means...) I would want a Cymbaline dress. They cost a fortune and you get them in France...so not really. But I like them. They're super sexy/classy at the same time. Both things I would want in my dress.

Song of the Day: (Jaymay is fantastic. This is not my favorite of hers, but it seems right for today)
Blue Skys: Jaymay
Too attuned
Too in step with the obvious
Too at ease and strange
So amused and I'm always jealous of you
People never change

Nothing but blue skies always on my mind
Blue skies on my mind
I promised your blue eyes
I'd never be unkind
There will always be
There will always be unkind people

Now and then
I'm wishing I never
Let you let me disappear
Take me off this stage
I don't get it at all over
While we're both still here

Stars on my left
Stars on my right
You and the moon
In the dead of night
Faith brings me back to the place I met you
I bet you miss me sometimes, sometimes

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