Saturday, March 5, 2011

Parents get more fun the older I get.

I have a lot to say tonight but not much that I want to share with the public. Sorry "public" who reads this. Haha. Which probably is no one so I can say whatever I want...anyways. Let me just apologize in advance, I'm feeling borderline insane today.

Friday was LONG. For some reason I couldn't sleep on Thursday night so I ended up getting about 2.5 hours. Work was not as bad as it could have been, considering we didn't have Deesha, but it was still long. I got there at 7:45 am, and then went straight to babysit until 6:30. Then I rushed home to pack and left for Fredericksburg. I spent the evening looking at house plans with my parents. I got lots of sleep, ate tomato soup from Rather Sweet (Best bakery anywhere ever. So good!) and then went and shot my dad's 45. Fun fun fun. I shot the soda can like 5 times out of about 16 shots from about 10 yards. Not super, but not horrible either. Then I had a _____________________ wit my ___________________. Then I ______________________. At that point I had been crying for like an hour and then we went to see The Kings Speech and subsequently cried some more. At that point I was really sure I wanted to go home and be alone. Before I left my dad grabbed my face and gave me a really fantastic pep talk and my mom gave me a good mom hug and Gunner came and laid on my foot. I felt very loved. :)

My favorite quotes of being home:

My mom is talking to my dad while she looks at a magazine.
Mom: You cooking tonight or are we going out?
Dad: Well, it is what I do best. I'll cook.
Mom: True. *Raises eyebrows* Well, second best. I can think of something you do better. *Smile*
Dad: Heh. True. *Smile*
Me: Oh my god. Gross. You two. Gross. Oh. gah. I did not need that image!

My parents got this little thing called a 20Q that asks you 20 yes/no questions and guesses your object. It gets it right pretty much all the time. It's scary. It has a maybe, a yes, and a no button. It asks the same questions a lot and always if it's an animal or other. So we were talking about how it makes me want to start getting dirty to see if it can guess. (All these questions are things it asks often)
Me: It makes me want to try something penis! Think it can guess penis?
Mom: Hmm. 'Is it hard?' Answer: Sometimes.
Dad: 'Is it bigger than a stick of butter?' Answer?
Me and Mom: Sometimes???
Mom: "Is it an animal?'
Dad: Yes.
Me: 'Is it something fun to play with?'
In unison:
Mom: Sometimes Dad: Yes.
Dad: 'Does it bring happiness?"
Mom: Yes.
Me: Wouldn't know.
Dad: Sure...
Mom: 'Do most people use it in their house on a regular basis?'
Dad: You hope...
At this point we were all laughing really really hard.

On my way home I was all sad an mopey so I texted Sean. We ended up talking on the phone for over an hour. :) It made me feel SO much better about life. He is so encouraging. He told me the three most encouraging things I think I've been told lately except for my dad. It is different coming from someone outside my family. Thank you Sean!

Dear Hampton-
I am writing Sean is really one of the few things that make you worth all the horribleness that you encompass. He is one of like, 4 redeeming factors. Sorry you suck so much.

Brittish accents are fantastic. Kyr and I have been talking with one for a while now. :) Bahaha.
I might push every boy away, as long as I have Kyr and Siobhan I'll be ok. And non romantic boys like Sean and Luke. There are others. I just love them.

When I'm feeling really bad I like to watch TV shows to remove myself from reality. It's really awful. : ) Here are a few:

One of the most attractive men ever in this show...and it's a crime show.


Crime show. Smart women. Attractive men.

Crime show. Really attractive men. Theme maybe???

Crime. Attractive woman...but that doesn't do as much for me. :)

Only the best ever.

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