Saturday, March 26, 2011

Yee Haw.

Today was exhausting but wonderful.

I got up early (7 am) to an unpleasant surprise, but recovered quickly as I left to perfect weather. I got to Hollis' house and since he was still sleeping had a great conversation with Chris and Jen, his parents. I adore them. They're great. Chris is even going to set me up with the group he sails with so I can learn to sail!!!!!!!! If you don't know, this is one of my top 5 goals.

After they left, Hollis and I got ready and went to Felix and Gigi's house. The kids played and LeeAnn and I had a great conversation as well.

Then another family joined us and we all headed to the rodeo! It was hot and tiring and absolutely wonderful. I love LeeAnn. She makes me feel like a human, not a child care worker or hired help or young and awkward. She just talks to me like I'm normal. We had a great time. The kids were so good! They were calm and obedient. I could not ask for more.

Ok, my one request would have been for more shade...I got like super double sunburn now. WOO!
The good news is, Jen let me use her frankincense and jojoba oils which helped a lot, and then LeeAnn gave me some Tea Tree Lotion stuff she had made at home. :) I love working for such cool, giving, interesting, healthy, organic, calm, down to earth, not suburban, moms. I hope I'm just like them when I'm a mom.

I also got to see Noah today!!!! It was great. Now I hope we're going to hang out sometime soon!

Now I'm home, I've finally eaten, and I'm debating between bed and a's only 8:30, but I am so tired. Probably bed.

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