Monday, March 7, 2011

Be f--king happy already!

Today was great. Wonderful. I don't know if I'm serious or not. Haha. It was decent?
Bah. How about I just tell you about it? ______ You like that idea too?___ Sweet.

Highlight of the work day was music class. Not because the music was so great or anything (in fact it is repetitive and gets hopelessly stuck in my head..."my brother's a monster and I'm a monster too...") but because Deesha and I hide in the other room and listen and talk. Somehow me being underage came up we started talking about it.
Deesha: But you drink right?
Me: My New Years resolution was to not drink till my birthday.
Deesha: That's 6 months!!! Oh my gosh. You are going to get so trashed...
Me: NO! I work the next day. *smile* I'll wait till the weekend.
Deesha: Oh girl. You have off. The 8th is your birthday right? You have off the 9th. I'll pay you. Paid day off. You can go out and then sleep it off all the next day!
Me: Deesha, that's ok. I don't mind!
Deesha: I remember my 21st, well, not really, I remember not remembering it... it was great. You have off.

Such a nice boss! Also, she wants me to paint a jungle mural on her baby's nursery wall! I am really intimidated by the thought, but also super excited. That's the second paid, art related job I've been offered in a week because of the job I have now! Thank you Jesus!

this one is kind of realistic, but not too hard looking...

this one is my favorite i think.

this one looks really cool, but really hard too...

During after school we had quite a dramatic afternoon. Hollis got a splinter, as I was digging it out with a needle, Felix fell and busted his chin, and while I was holding him and holding ice on his chin, Kaden got hit on the forehead by the gate. I ended up holding ice on a chin, a forehead, and having Hollis tucked under my arm for about 45 min. All three of their mom's showed up at the same time and we all had a good laugh about it. I'm so lucky none of the parents are the type to freak out or blame me for their kids tripping.

After work I changed in my car and came straight to Bennu and have been here for about6 hours. Haha. Yikes. I need a life. I watched 27 Dresses....and I did not *cough cough did cough* cry at the end. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? I don't cry in chick flicks! I don't even believe in love any more! I'm an official skeptic! I'm slipping. Please. Help. This can't happen!!! Kidding. I believe in love. I've just been against it lately. :)
The following all found at XKCD.

True love. :)

know that feeling...

In the spirit of me liking love a little bit today: What is to follow is some photos from my new favorite wedding photographer. It's pretty much all brilliant. (More tomorrow. I didn't want to overwhelm anyone)

I wish I had thought of this. I really like it.

Ok. Cheesy quotes to follow. It's part of my recent attempt to be
a) more hopeful
b) more cheerful and happy
c) less pessimistic and hard on myself.
Don't start expecting me to go around hugging everyone or anything...but do expect more of these tomorrow!

I have some of these. Maybe I should try making tags and hanging them around...

Dear J-

I wish more people accepted this.

Last, but not least, my style/decorating tid bits of the day:
(Notice a theme??)

This looks like the perfect place to read! I love little alcoves like this!!!!

Obsessed with these.

Breakfast tea in this little sunny nook. Ugh. Love.

Please, where do you get a teal couch? I would like one. Thanks.

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