Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Todays blog. Thank you Router. :)

So I felt happier yesterday than I had felt in a while. I mean really it lasted from like Friday till Monday. Woo!
I really can't describe it at all. I felt well. I felt like I liked people.

I actually do like people!

Talking to Rell I realized why it was partially.
There's this horrible zombie movie we watched one time called Dead Snow. If you like zombie movies, you have to see this one. It is cheesy and ridiculous (Natzi zombies...yeah.), lots of gore, it's really wonderful. Anyway, in this movie one of the characters has just finished killing a bunch of zombies and his girl friend walks up and touches his shoulder, freaking him out and he kills her. *Sob* Long story short, I feel like this guy. I feel like so many people I trusted hurt me, and I got to the point where I attack anyone who startles me with a chain saw. Now that I'm coming to terms with it, I'm working on being a much nicer person.

Wow let me just get really personal and gnarly. Heh. Anyways. That all kind of started to fall apart when I realized my fine had gone up since I hadn't responded to a letter sent to Hampton where I no longer live... basically I figured out a meal plan where I spend less than $1.75 a day on food. It'll be gross, but I might actually lose weight and hell, it'll be a good practice in self control. Rice and beans, ramen, tangerines for vitamins, and my homemade tomato soup. Then I get corn dogs on the weekends! Yes! Ugh. I am going to be broke for a month, so this is what I'm eating starting next Monday for 4 weeks.

So basically I was in a funk all day and super weepy and kept crying. Lame. Gross. I hate what stress does to me. It didn't help that all I had to eat was a cheese stick and a Diet Coke from the time I woke up till about an hour ago.

My day got exponentially better though when I got off work and met Kyr at Hampton. First of all, I got to see Anthony who happened to be there. I miss that boy. Second, I met Kyr there because we were going for a walk around Town Lake. This is where things got really amazing. We're crossing the bridge and see these people who are "slacklining." Slacklining is this thing where you put up a line from one tree/pole/pillar to another and you walk across it. It's really cool. The people noticed us and invited us down. We hesitated, then went. I refused to try for a while, but then finally did and after about 100 tries, walked some! After an hour or so my legs were tired, my feet dirty, and I was about to get frustrated, and I walked 5 steps slowly across!!! Then, I did it again for Kyrsten to see! I was so excited. We got the people's information and I am so doing it again!!! It was one of those things I just want to conquer now! Expect more of this, and hopefully pictures soon!

I love the song Go Away by Safety Suit. It's a good song. Today it's a very good song.

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