Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Grossed out

Well the good news is I've lost weight. The bad news is it's only because my stomach is so full of snot. Gross.
My nose hurts from having to wipe it a billion times a day and I got tired of sniffing, so this is how I'm writing this:

Hot, right??

Also, I am so disturbed by the creep-tastic "spirit" movement. It's so rotten. Ugh. Nasty. Gross. Sorry Jesus this is confected to you. It's so clear in the Bible that false spirits would enter the church and take many from the truth. Found them! I know it makes me want nothing to do with church. Yikes. *coughcoughcoughhamptoncoughcough*
"Tokin' the ghost."
"Channeling" angels
Becoming so drunk they can't walk, talk, move, think, anything?
I found this and like it:
Not sure I agree with everything said, but I like it more than the other view right now.

Dear _______,
Please just leave me the ______ alone. I want to be done with you for good. You serve little purpose and do nothing but _____ the ______ around you.
Just, go away!
Don't say sorry.
Don't explain.
Don't talk to me about it over coffee.
Your friend, lover, and all-time biggest enemy


I'm too grossed out to blog about my day.
I'll talk about the good stuff tomorrow.

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