Friday, March 25, 2011

Bad day, Good day, Great Day

So I didn't sleep at all last night. I might as well be strung out on hard core drugs right about now. :) WOO!

Work was not as long or as horrible as I was expecting. I actually wasn't even that tired. Deesha and I are getting along really well, I know more of the parents, I am so so so glad I work there!

After work I came home exhausted and decided to go lay out for a while by the pool at my apartment. I set my alarm for 20 min and woke up and hour later to a fairly burnt back. Oops. Then I rolled over and set my alarm again. I then woke up to an older man tapping my shoulder. It was about two hours later and he informed me I was looking very burnt and very asleep. Haha. I. Am. Fried. So red.

Siobhan came to pick me up a couple hours later and she took me to her house where her parents had Galaxy Cafe waiting for us! Yum!! Food! I hadn't eaten anything, so I was pretty grateful. Then Siobhan took our places on the couch and watch Criminal Minds like normal for the rest of the night.
Ok, so whenever we're together we always lay in the same spots and watch crime shows for hours. Sometimes from like 3 in the afternoon till like 4 am. Hahaha.
But tonight, we watched one criminal minds, just one, and then went out! Be proud. This is a huge step for us.
We went where she used to work and I got to meet her very funny, very flirty ex-co-workers.
Then my beautiful date took me to see Paul, a VERY very funny movie. I laughed so hard. Maybe harder than anyone else in the theatre.
Sio and I had a great time laughing and talking about boys and life and how difficult boys make was excellent.
I'm going to be real honest here for a second. If I was Siobhan or her parents, I would not love me like they do. I wasn't a very good friend for a little while because one of those stupid boys.
I'm very lucky.

Now I've lost my roommate and I hope she's ok! If anything happens to her while she's out, I'll kill anyone responsible. :)

Anyways. I'm home now and about to go get 6 hours of sleep before I get up to go get Hollis.
I'm watching him tomorrow and meeting up with LeeAnn (a mom from work) and her two kids and we're all going to the rodeo. I am stoked. I love all three kids and Leeann is awesome and Hollis' mom Jen is wonderful. I am really blessed. I am very burnt, I am very tired, and my life is a little stressed lately, but today has been a great step back towards me being happy. :)

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