Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yesterdays Blog. Thank you Router.

Monday I got up and messed around for a while. I decided to go for a run around town lake. I have never had a harder time running 3 miles. I couldn't do it at all. My arm that I gave blood from was killing me, my lungs hurt, I was coughing. It was terrible. Needless to say I ended up walking most of it. Lame. After that I went to Daily Juice and got not one, but two, drinks. Yum yum yum.

After that I went to watch Stella!! She is so freaking cute! Then I was hungry and so I went to Kirbey. There is this really awesome lady who works there who I find fascinating. She was my waitress and called me sweetie and hon and dear the whole time I was there. I love when people do that. I want to do that. I might not be cool enough to do that...

I might have cried when I left home. Mostly because I was going to miss Gunner and Bella.

Anyways. I got up surprising early the next day, 7 am in fact, and went to Fredericksburg. I had a lot of fun with my family. My dad and I discussed how I was going to be 21 soon over some beer and limes and watched late night tv.

I got a juicer. Best purchase ever!

Thursday I might have had a minor break down. I'm not going to go into it, but my mom and I ended up having a really good talk about life and how I had changed so much for the worse lately. After that we went to San Antonio together and happened upon live music and homeless people dancing. It was really cool. That night to get away I camped on my parents 24 acres. It wasn't a real camping experience, but I decided it was a decent practice. :)

Friday I woke up early (7 am again!) so I could meet Marlee at Java Ranch. I missed this girl so freaking much! Oh my gosh. Then she had to leave and McKenzie and her boyfriend Kylan showed up. I missed her too. Goodness. I need to keep up with them better....It was really good to get to know Kylan better since I've only really met him once. He's great. I had grand plans to leave for a huge adventure to Mexico but the two of them and my friend Michael convinced me not to. I did not choose to stay because of their warnings about drug cartels, human trafficking, or getting shot at. I chose to stay because I realized seeing people who love me and know me and mean so much to me, is way more important than an adventure.

I ended up going to listen to Kylan play a show that was fantastic and then watching Rango with them. Then later I met up with Marlee and Michael again and ate ice cream, drove around, laid on the gold course....it was a lot of fun.

Saturday I came home and met up with Rell and Kyr and went to a SX show at Bananarchy. Then we walked with Peter and Eric to Bright Eyes. I freaking love live music!!! I met up with Kylan there and it wasn't even awkward like I expected. What was awkward was when D and his parents were at Bananarchy. Nothing has ever ended has horribly as that relationship. He won't even look at me even though he's dating someone else. Gosh.

Anyways, people came over that night, and they came over the next night too. I'm back to liking people! That's my major life change. I'm happier. I had some kind of break through. Maybe it's D being in love with someone else? And a good amount of time away from Hampton? And seeing my old friends who love and understand me so well? I don't know. I don't care. I'm just glad I feel like I can breath again! It makes me want to be a hostess. I want people over! I want to feed people! I want to have family meals around the holidays for those who don't have family. I want to go out. I want to see people. I want to meet new people!

Dear Hampton-
You took a lot. You made me scared of people. You made me bitter and mean and horrible. I have decided that I'm not giving you that power. I would like to just like to let you know that I'm done. I win. I hope you don't become a creepy cult house. I hope you have a different effect on the other people who live there. I hope you burn down. (Kidding...maybe.) Farewell, and fuck you very much.

Blah blah blah.
Pajama day at work. :) I love Deesha.
Funny evening at the house. I love laughing.
Blue October. I love cheesy wonderful music.
Headache. I love drugs.
Almost peeing my pants on the floor. I love Photobooth.

Last, but not least. My sister just called. They got issued a warrant for my arrest. Awesome. There goes my next paycheck. Taking care of that. :P

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