Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lots to catch up on!

Ok. Expect loooong. I wrote one yesterday but, thank you shitty internet, wasn’t able to upload it. So this is day three without blogging! Oh goodness. Not acceptable.

Tuesday I came home and had a killer migraine. I messed around for a while, took lots of meds, had a bath, and went to bed. I have nothing exciting to report there. The only good thing that happened was I talked to Sean on the phone and HE’S COMING TO AUSTIN!!! :) I can’t wait to see him. I miss him lots.

Post my egging.

Yesterday was only slightly better. During lunch break I went to Home Depot and bought seeds. I started them with paper towels and plastic bags…maybe I’ll get lucky and manage to grow herbs in my little apartment.

I stayed an hour late after work yesterday to clean the back room for Deesha. She’s been stressed about it and she is SO pregnant. I decided she needed help. :) I didn’t tell her I stayed that late. I signed out at 5 like normal. I then came home to try to get dinner ready before Kyr came home from work. She ended up going to Bennu so I ate alone. I tried to think of something interesting and free to do, but I couldn’t, so I stayed home and cleaned and organized some stuff, drank lots of hot tea…planned…then I went to bed.

Planning For Spring Break: (ONLY ONE MORE DAY TO GO!)

  1. Well I have lots of babysitting to do so that should be EXCITING. Woo.

  1. Breck texted me today and we’re making plans to see Vinny when he comes home for two weeks leave!!!! I am so excited!

  1. I plan on eating an avocado and then trying to grow the seed in water. Supposedly you can grow a little mini tree! Lame. I know. I just am into growing things lately.

  1. I want to run the 4 mile loop around town lake in 40 min.

  1. I would like to loose 5 lbs. I’ve put on a few lately…which means I need to get a scale.

  1. I want to eat all vegetarian unless I’m eating at someone else’s house.

  1. Drive to Port A for a day; Hopefully with my parents. :)

  1. Camp at least one night ALONE

  1. Borrow Oma’s camera for a day

  1. See Luke Andrews!!!!!!!! Miss that boy so so so so much!

  1. Go Kayaking at least once

  1. Not eat any sweets except for the one thing I bake

  1. Bake. :)

  1. No eating out unless it’s to meet up with someone I haven’t seen.

  1. Go to the gym at least twice!

  1. Do something active everyday!

  1. Take a picture a day

  1. NOT sit around bored. Go out and at least take a walk if nothing else.

After work today I went for a 2 mile run. 7.30 min/mile! It's not perfect, and only 2 miles, but still, better than I've been doing. I did pay the consequences though. My jaw started hurting, my lungs hurt, I almost threw up, and I coughed for like an hour afterward. Lame. It was corndog night at the apartment. Just what I wanted post run. :) hmmmmm. Then out of sheer desperation to get out, and since Kyr was out dancing the night away, I took pictures down town and then came to Bennu! I could totally write a "How to avoid getting raped" book. (I hope my parents/sister never read this ever.) Also, side note, I saw a UFO. Not that I think it was aliens, but it was sure as hell not a helicopter or plane. I'm not crazy or on drugs either.
This was actually harder than you would think...

Now I'll leave you with these:

i like feet wedding pictures.

open back wedding dress=love

this is great on SO many levels.

quite possibly my favorite wedding picture ever. rain. check. teal boat. check. umbrella. check. love. check.

She's awesome. I love Abby. :)

I also really like her. She's in quite a few funny/good movies.

Hot boy plus baby. YUM.

OH MY GOSH! This. This is funny funny funny.
Last one:

I do not have a hate list. I do not hate all people. I really only dislike a few people in the world. I simply follow, to some degree, this idea. I want to be happy and live my life to the fullest. If you chose to be dramatic, manipulative, or hurtful, my life is too short for that. I try not to hurt others as I live this idea out, but I'm not going to put effort into people, christians especially, who drain me. I want to love God and love others. I can do that without surrounding myself with people who make my life a shit-fest.

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