Thursday, March 3, 2011


Took this in Uganda over two years ago. I want to go back so bad.

Wrong. There's so much wrong in the world. Ugh. Work today was good except for trying to figure out what to do with a 5 year old who thinks she's fat and a 4 year old who has had nightmares every night for the last couple nights. The age of eating disorders is getting younger and younger. Kids of 4 aren't supposed to start asking about life and death, especially not the death of their parents, yet. It shouldn't even be on their radar yet according to child development specialists. It makes me sad and angry. It makes me want to do more.

Also, I watched part of a movie called the Human Project. You really need to see this. It's amazing. About half way through I was in tears, not only because there are children abandoned and dying in Puru and Ghana, but because I wasn't helping them. The movie is a documentary about two brothers who travel around living through 3-4 "experiences" that humans around the world live through. It's fantastic and heart breaking. It's real life. It's what I got a glimpse of in Africa and I want more.

From "The Human Experience" You should watch this!

I am discouraged because I don't think I can do what I want in my life. If I could do whatever I wanted I would run schools in multiple countries helping children in need and work part time with young women with eating disorders. That's what I want. I want to be an Art Therapist, yoga instructor, sheltering, loving, mother to many who works hard and loves what she does. UGH. Is that too much to ask? :)

Anyway. I watched the movie with Avery and Jesse. Dinner and talking to them was really good. They live so close, it should happen more often.

Unfortunately it's almost 1am and I have to be at work 30 min early tomorrow since no Deesha. I'm on my own with the 14 little tyrants tomorrow...Woo! On no sleep....and then driving home to mom and dad and bella and gunner. If I can just make it till 3 pm I'm golden!

This has nothing to do with anything. I just like it.

You absolutely must check out Unhappy Hipsters! Obsessed.

Little Sister was a ball of nerves ever since he’d learned to hover between dimensions.

Lastly. Anthropologie. Why is it all so cute and so SO expensive??

Love this back!


when i grow up I will have many aprons to cook in.

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