Monday, March 14, 2011

5:17 am: A Collection of Short Stories by:Tamara

the only real interesting thing from this week: is here

Bah. I am not feeling at all interesting or creative.
Maybe because it's 5 am and I am awake.
in my apartment.
I cant think in full thoughts when I am this tired. UUUGGGGHHH.
Expect more typos than normal kyrsten. I'm only half awake.
Recap. Just the interesting stories:

Friday (aka the saga about how I have the best boss ever)
I awoke on Friday morning and looked at my clock. I couldn't quite focus. Everything was still blurry. "8:10" I read. Then from my mouth came a string of profanities I'll spare you. I am supposed to get to work at 8:15 and it takes me between 20-25 min to get there. I throw on some jeans, brush my teeth, and text Deesha "I woke up late. So sorry. I'll stay late!" I walk into work at 8:30. Deesha looks at the clock and goes, "Oh my gosh, 15 min does not even count. You're fine. I thought you meant late late." *I exhale a sigh of relief as I realize I'm not going to be fired. Hell, I'm not even going to get a lecture.* Then, she gives me my check. In the envelope is a gift card for target with a note thanking me for my hard work from her and her husband Adam. :) I have liked some of my old bosses, but it's great to be appreciated.

Well, all I know is they are confusing as shit. All of them. We give off mixed signals? Psh. Maybe it's because they've all taken up acting like girls, but they still only know how to think with their dicks? Really, I'm not trying to be mean. I honestly, deep down, am a hopeless romantic. The problem is, I need a man with more cajones than I have. This shouldn't be hard people! Lord. Anyways. I'll spare you the nitty gritty details.

Bloody Saturday:
First of all. Kyr and John left. I brought them together so if anything goes wrong I will so feel responsible.
I also got up at 7 am to take Amari to a birds of prey show. It sounds really lame...and it probably was...but i actually liked it a little. I mean falcons flying like inches from your face, is cool.
Also, little mini baby owls. Aw. I want one.
Then after that, I did what I haven't been able to do, I gave blood! Mike, the guy who took my blood, was really funny. I have never had anyone able to find my vein the first time. I informed him of this. His response:
"Well, not only have I done this quite a bit, but I also did it in Iraq. In the back of moving trucks, in the middle of the night, with night vision goggles, with people firing at us. I could literally, do it with my eyes closed."
"Damn. Ok. Well then. I trust I'm in good hands."
Needless to say got it on the first try. He was more than friendly, him and the other young guy there kept bringing me water and blankets and checking on me...heh.
Why can I only go once every two months??? It was awesome! ;)
Not so much the part where I tried to climb my stairs to get to my apartment. Then I felt all woozy and crappy and laid on the couch watching Bones all evening.

I have not rigged my apartment so that if any door opens while I'm sleeping things will fall off of shelves just because I'm alone all week.
And by "I have not" I mean "I most certainly have!"
Not in a paranoid way...just in a, "if someone comes in I want to have some warning so I can kick their sorry ass" way.
It's no big deal.

Daylight savings:
Total fail. I actually get up for church this Sunday because I can't go next Sunday, and as I'm walking out the front door all showered and dressed, I realize my phone says 10:45.
"How can this be?" I think, knowing I got up at 9 am. "It is not possible it took me an hour and 45 min to get ready!" Then it hits me. When you live alone and don't see people the day before...yeah. anyways.
I still got to have lunch with my family. So it's all good.

Tomorrow begins spring break plans. I will not sit in my apartment all week till I go mad! Today was one thing considering I feel like shit thanks to donating my life source to save lives.
No more.
I run
town lake
and I go somewhere new
and I meet someone new
and I do one thing worth actually talking about.

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