Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blogging Obsessed

Someone who, to my knowledge, doesn't know I smoke or drink on occasion posted this on my wall...
just because I like art. I guess some stereo types are right.

I think I really like this blogging thing.

Work was ok. I talked to Deesha a lot and that was really good. I'm on my own on Friday so we were preparing. Plus just talking about parents and how silly some people can be. I was INCREDIBLY sore today. Hollis made it his goal to try to get me to stand up as many times as possible so he could laugh at my grunting and groaning. Stella asked if I was pregnant because I "was walking like a baby was in [my] belly." Ugh. No more lunges until next week sometime...I will get great thighs, just not all in one day.

I got to talk to my mom and my dad today. I love them. Plans for going home this weekend.

On to the world of art, inspiration, and other good things

Let's start with shoes. hmm. Flats. I love flats right now. A few favorites:

Soludos. I heart. Proof good things come from Australia.

Who doesn't love Toms?

She has tons more at her etsy store. They are all adorable. I hate people who do stuff like this.
I love both colors of these Pink Studio Cirque Flats

Jimmy Choos. Ugh. Someday I will own a pair. I know they're not flats. They're spring-y though!

Enough on shoes I can't afford. I plan on making these four foods in the next 2 weeks. If not, I will consider myself a failure and throw myself off the Lamar bridge. Don't worry, that wouldn't kill me. In fact it could be fun. Illegal...but fun. I don't plan on having to. I will make at least one when I'm at my parents.
This is one of many I want to try from Saltbird. I love this site!

Honey and Goat Cheese filled Fig Muffins from Delish.
Not so sure about the fig...but the rest sounds divine!

Fontina, Spinach, and bacon shells with cheese.
I would make this recipe from Goodlife Eats without the bacon. It's like adult mac and cheese!

Another from Saltbird. Hint of Lemon + Ricotta Tart
hmmm. Yes.

How have I never heard of Yayoi Kusama? Some of his stuff is total shit, but his light exhibits sound AMAZING! They're in little rooms usually and use mirrors and water to make it look so amazing.


want to make one of these.
wish I could afford some of these. Especially in white.
want a pair of these. I think they're kind of sexy.
wish I could pull off painting wood and it looking this cool.
like the idea of owning lots of books, lots of plants, and a painted yellow, wood floor.
adore this kitchen though I could never make it work.

am in love with this bedroom. Studio apartment someday in my future? This.

want to sing and play piano more.

Last but not least: Back to the Future Project
This is a really cool project. Basically they recreate childhood photos years later. It's really cool. There are more on the site. You should check it out!

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