Monday, February 28, 2011


Yesterday was less than exciting. Basically, I watched Amari, a girl from school, from 8:30 until 7:30. Eleven hours of babysitting is a lot. Especially if you happen to work with kids everyday and babysat till 10:30 Friday too…at least Amari and I got to go to two kid shows; Hey Lollie preformed at Cherrywood Coffee House, and then “If you Give a Mouse a Cookie” at the Paramount Theatre. I think I’m really going to enjoy being a mom if I ever get to be one. Another good thing that happened yesterday, was Amari’s house. It’s adorable! I love everything about it. It’s yellow, for one thing. Plus the laundry room is blue, the bathroom red, it’s simple, homey, modern, interesting, clean, and it had hardwood floors. Her parents are both doctors, so they have yummy healthy food and more kinds of tea than you can imagine.... :)

Today was also...pretty dull... Work. Woo. I did however go back to the lake for a run after work and cut 4 minutes off my time. This was partially due to the very attractive man with the dog that stopped next to me when I was slowing to a walk about 1/4 a mile away from the end to ask if I was ok and it sounded like I was wheezing pretty bad.
me: "hah. oh no. I'm fine *wheeze* I'm great. *cough* Thanks though. *speed back up to a run*
Him: You sure? Can I join you for the rest?
Me: oh. um. I don't want to inturupt your work out! *coughcoughcough*
Him: it's fine *perfect smile*
me thinking: "great, my face is red, i'm about to hyperventilate...
Me later: Oh yes. this is my favorite running song!
Him: what is it?
Me: on to the next one.
Him: Jay-Z! I love that song! Want to sprint to the end?
Me: haha. Um. You're sprint is way faster than mine, but sure.

He did beak me and as I came up wheezing and coughing with my face looking similar to a tomato, he met me with water.
Wow. Great. Then I thanked him and headed quickly for my car. I had no interest in after run small talk.

Then Kyr and I made an epic dinner if I do say so myself, and I ate A TON! I am never going to loose weight if I do this every time I work out. Haha. After dinner I talked to my mom about life and boys and school and had a good cry. Then to HEB! Where I discovered a sticky note that had an eight on it. After showing it to Kyr we realized there were lots. Sorry HEB stockers. We probably messed up your system real bad. We did however find 1-15. :) I love impromptu scavenger hunts.

love her
her too. love you.

cutest things in an animated movie ever

I want to garden at least as well as my mom.

this looks like somewhere I want to be

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