Monday, February 28, 2011


Yesterday was less than exciting. Basically, I watched Amari, a girl from school, from 8:30 until 7:30. Eleven hours of babysitting is a lot. Especially if you happen to work with kids everyday and babysat till 10:30 Friday too…at least Amari and I got to go to two kid shows; Hey Lollie preformed at Cherrywood Coffee House, and then “If you Give a Mouse a Cookie” at the Paramount Theatre. I think I’m really going to enjoy being a mom if I ever get to be one. Another good thing that happened yesterday, was Amari’s house. It’s adorable! I love everything about it. It’s yellow, for one thing. Plus the laundry room is blue, the bathroom red, it’s simple, homey, modern, interesting, clean, and it had hardwood floors. Her parents are both doctors, so they have yummy healthy food and more kinds of tea than you can imagine.... :)

Today was also...pretty dull... Work. Woo. I did however go back to the lake for a run after work and cut 4 minutes off my time. This was partially due to the very attractive man with the dog that stopped next to me when I was slowing to a walk about 1/4 a mile away from the end to ask if I was ok and it sounded like I was wheezing pretty bad.
me: "hah. oh no. I'm fine *wheeze* I'm great. *cough* Thanks though. *speed back up to a run*
Him: You sure? Can I join you for the rest?
Me: oh. um. I don't want to inturupt your work out! *coughcoughcough*
Him: it's fine *perfect smile*
me thinking: "great, my face is red, i'm about to hyperventilate...
Me later: Oh yes. this is my favorite running song!
Him: what is it?
Me: on to the next one.
Him: Jay-Z! I love that song! Want to sprint to the end?
Me: haha. Um. You're sprint is way faster than mine, but sure.

He did beak me and as I came up wheezing and coughing with my face looking similar to a tomato, he met me with water.
Wow. Great. Then I thanked him and headed quickly for my car. I had no interest in after run small talk.

Then Kyr and I made an epic dinner if I do say so myself, and I ate A TON! I am never going to loose weight if I do this every time I work out. Haha. After dinner I talked to my mom about life and boys and school and had a good cry. Then to HEB! Where I discovered a sticky note that had an eight on it. After showing it to Kyr we realized there were lots. Sorry HEB stockers. We probably messed up your system real bad. We did however find 1-15. :) I love impromptu scavenger hunts.

love her
her too. love you.

cutest things in an animated movie ever

I want to garden at least as well as my mom.

this looks like somewhere I want to be

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dose of Speirits

Today was great.
Slept in till late. Woke up comfy with one of my favorite people. Went for lunch at Sonic, always a good choice. Then we went to End of and Ear. It's a record store on S. 1st. It was a lot of fun. Siobhan got some AMAZING records. Arcade Fire + Jay-Z = happy me. Her player gets great sound too. There's something about might be because my Dad used to put on records and play them really loud with his air guitar. Those where the good days.

After that we listened to music, read a magazine (more on that tomorrow) and then...well the bed ate us alive and forced us to take an hour nap. :)

After that we went to Resurrection Tattoo to get Ken his first ink and Siobhan her 4th! Torture. Pure torture. I think, even though I can't afford it, I'm getting one this week...anyways, it was loads of fun. Makes me happy. Both of them were fantastic.

That's all. I'm tired. Pictures can say everything I could think of to say tonight.

I want a juicer. I love fresh juice.

One downfall of today. Thought about this too much. Stupid.

Fucking creepiest cake ever....

Cute lamp!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekend, Oh weekend

It's Friday! And praise the lord that it is. This weekend is going to be super busy though...

Today work was good. Really chill. I needed a calm day. At noon when I got off I headed straight for the lake. 3.07 miles. In 27 min. WTF??? I used to be able to run it so much faster! That's almost 9 min miles! Gross. Anyways. I've taken such a huge break from running lately I guess it'll just take time. I think I'm going to try and go back Monday and try again. I will get up to 5 miles at 6:35 min miles. I will.

Running is easier seeing this

Dear boy who went sprinting by me and gave me that smug smile-
Your abs were beautiful. Your arms were perfect. Your speed impressive. Your legs sculpted. I wanted to throw you in the lake. But running past you later as you heaved and coughed and wheezed because you couldn't pace yourself, and the look of defeat in your eyes as they met mine, well it all worked out in the end. :)
-love the girl in blue running jacket who stopped to ask if you were ok

After I got done I drove home feeling like shit. I mean. It's a great feeling knowing I pushed myself really hard, but I felt bad. Shaky, cold, hot, in pain and coughing really bad. I think I need to look into this idea of exercise induced asthma. Anyways, I was starving, which made since since I hadn't eaten anything yet. I ate: a taco, some pesto pasta, a thin mint (thanks Kyr), and the rest of my java chip ice cream. Calories burned: 300 Calories Eaten: 700. Haha. A good way to not loose weight... Ugh.

Anyways. I bathed, showered, packed and then came to babysit Hollis. Love this kid. He's the best.
After I finish up here I'm off to Siobhan's house to sleep because tomorrow we have a busy day!!! Yay! I can't wait!!!

Funny story about how sad I am:
I was on someone's facebook who I only know through a mutual friend. I see a girl who is pretty. I start stalking her. I'm thinking to myself, "she is so familiar! I know her! But how??" I get about 6-7 photos in and I realize I've stalked her before....Then Kyr shows me this guy she finds attractive who she met at Bennu. "This is him...ignore the first pic..." "heh...I've stalked him before." "What???" My life is sad. I think I've stalked like half the stalkable people on facebook. Bahaha.

The color yellow is taking over my mind with accents of teal and green and blue. I want to be able to speak in color instead of words. That would be awesome.


The beach!

Italia. I love you.

This bed looks divine

I cannot express how sad I am this isn't me.




In case you missed it yesterday: I LOVE THIS DRESS

I am not cool enough to own a bike like this.

If you find one of these, I will buy it, no matter the cost. Just get it!

I plan on making one of these soonish.
Let you know how that goes.

The room is much. the tub is amazing.

Makes me think of Sean. I want to have tea and talk to Sean right now!

Photo shoot of Kyr in our green dress.

Grey is also good. Make me feel peaceful:

I miss summer:

I turn 21 this summer

Snow cone with no syrup=summer


Why can I not still pull this look off?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ice Cream and Chick Flicks, Heck Yeah

I could not have asked for a better day. Ok I mean it wasn't super duper fantastic, but it was good. It was the kind of good that wasn't fluffy good. It was the "went to work, did something fun, helped someone, everyday, plain but beautiful" good. :) Prepare yourselves. There are lots of pictures. Most I didn't take, some I did.

Work was work. It was actually kind of long, but after yesterday I didn't mind. Haha. Deesha and I talked a lot today which helped. I have the best boss ever.
After school we painted. I have some of the cutest and most amazing kids!

Rain Boots

One of the prettiest children I know

Hollis makes happy

watercolors hmm. :)

This child makes my day almost everyday.

After work I headed to Mt. Bonnel. I had said yesterday not to expect anything and it made me want to take pictures. So I did. It was such a gorgeous day and the sun was perfect and the air was perfect. Delightful. Love it. Gosh. Thank you Jesus for today.

I am so unoriginal. I always have one of these. I always like them. I always think they're stupid. Ugh. Why can't I be better??

I was planning on making another stop, but then on Mopac I passed two women pulled over with a flat. I was compelled to stop, so I did. They only spoke spanish, I only speak English, but I definitely had more tire changing experience and we had a good laugh about the trials of getting the freaking tire nut things off. It felt good. To help. I had a good feeling driving away. Thanks dad for teaching me how to change tires...I hope they made it home and the tire I put on their car didn't come off or anything.

This is my, "In case I die, this will be my last picture" picture.

From pulled over on Mopac.

Then home to dinner cooked by Kyr, ice cream, and a chick flick. The perfect ending to a great day.

Oh, real quick, to the man who shook his junk and solicited me for sex. Fuck you. Gross. I did not want to see that. Next time, I am so getting you license plate number and reporting your sorry pathetic desperate ass.


Wine, cigarette, the beach, pretty. Yes please. Almost 21!

I want to wear a hat like this to a horse race. Future boyfriend, cute cheesy date I would actually like. Here's one.

I'm obsessed with this yellow! Can I pull off yellow?? I adore it!

I'm glad I took a break from scary movies. I'm ready though now. I can't do them alone...

It rained today. Like a perfect rain. And not when I wanted to have the kids outside. Love. Love. Love.

Need: a polaroid camera

This dress...gahaalhsdf. I want. and her body wouldn't hurt either. While I'm at it, her face too...thanks.

I want to learn to sail.

I want to be classy. I think I would have to stop cussing to be classy though...

I want a greenhouse. Preferably on the roof.

I want to get flowers. I don't like romantic crap...but then somewhere deep down I do...

Peaceful. Clean.

Diana Cameras are the bomb. Look up Diana Camera photography. Obsession.

Here's more of that yellow... :) also, adorable shoes.

I want this in my closet. I love shoes.

Italy. I will live here some day.

Really? It's like the perfect sex hammock. Sorry, but you know you thought that too...maybe...

I just like this dress a lot. I want to go out in this.


Can I have him?

Or him?

on a horse on the beach. Mhhhh. Yes.

I want to do this on the beach.