Sunday, February 6, 2011

You Ain't Messing With My Dougie

Busy. Today was busy.

Rell pretty much DRUG Kyr and I to the Stone. Actually no! Wait, she tied us up and drove us! Damnit. It was by gun point! :) Kidding. According to her she made us but I thought we were pretty willing since it involved getting out of bed and that's hard for me. Church was alright. I still am pretty set on Austin City Life though.

(We're turning into one of "those" couples. We accidentally wore basically the exact same thing...

After Kyr and I went to lunch at my grandparents. It was uneventful but I still love seeing my family. (You might think Sunday lunch would normally be uneventful, but last week my grandma made up a song that only used the word never know with them.) After that we went to Kyr's house and saw her family! Yay! Family!! Me gusta. Also, their interent was fast enough to catch up on HIMYM. Very important! I did not cry in that very sad case you might have thought that i did....

Then to Kona's! I've seen 4 out of the last 4 days pretty sure. She cooked us an amazingincrediblefantastic meal. honey and gargonzola cheese. Yes. If you though it would be a no, you're wrong. It's a 100% yes. Then we all watched Salt, ate ice cream, and helped Kona be motivated to do her laundry.

OH MY GOSH! I forgot. This is important. We did our laundry today. Lots of it. Like finally I can wear clean under wear. Praise the Lord. It's been a while...

This day is sounding boring. It's not.

Kyr and I died hair.

I'm in a ghetto mood.

So we did it in sweat pants listening to rap.

(we also are going to work out and eat good this week. No Wendy's whatsoever for me. None.)

It was a good day.

I'm feeling very restless of late. I need to do more. I need to not be scared.
I also need to grow up. There are some things that I really don't like about me that I'm ready to change. I turn 21 really soon. I want to be different then. I also, want to go on a road trip.

As promised, one for Siobhan (hope you like it) and the other for me. I like living here and being artistic more!

ps. Summer, it's right around the corner here and Texas. Kayaking on town lake...tanning at barton. Good stuff.

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