Monday, February 7, 2011

hell no

not today. i'm toooo tired.
I took a billion pictures today of my kids making valentines but i can't get them loaded until apple decides to give me back my computer!
So i'll finish today's tomorrow or something.

The short version.

1. i missed my kids! (valentines!)
2. drama (no me gusta)
3. work out (YAY)
4. Central Market lunch by the pond (perfect)
5. dinner (awesome and hilarious)
6. Claire. With the chair....who's over there. We hear her door open because it squeaks and we say some rhyme about claire. it's fun. trust me.
7. i lacerated my throat with a taco shell. (not even true. it just hurt a little. :) sounds better this way though.)
8. Dave stopped by!
9. P90x Ab Ripper!!!!
10. bath and SLEEP

I'm glad i live with just Kyr. I'm glad to come home here. I'm glad today is over. I'm glad it's almost time to take a bath, read my nerdy math book about Zero, and go to bed.


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