Tuesday, February 15, 2011

davno, you know?

In the words of Hollis, "blah, blah, blah!"
:) It's one of those days.

During my lunch break today I did P90X Ab Ripper X. That workout kicks my butt. Ugh. Then I went for a decent, though not epic run. I need desperately to get back in shape! Thank you Jay-z and Eminem though.

Me post run. GROSS but happy! Love that feeling!

I worked so much today. As soon as I got off I took Hollis home to babysit him. He's a blast. He kept wanting me to turn up the music and roll down the windows so we could dance. His new favorite phrase is "blah blah blah." He says it after everything. I might have resorted to only responding with "blah." Our conversations went something like this:
Me: Hollis, do you want some spaghetti?
Hollis: Blah, blah.
Me: Does that mean 'Yes please?'
*from here on out I'll translate as best I can...*
Hollis: Blah! (yes)
Me: blah blah. (ok.)

Me: Hollis, you're making a mess.
Hollis: Blah! (NO)
Me: *handing him a wet rag* blah. (yes.) I'm going to count to 5 Hollis.
Hollis: Blah blah blah.
Me: blah, blah, blah, blah that's four Hollis...blah. (one, two, three, four.....five)


He really is fun. After we finally made it through dinner and bath we had an epic battle with army men, read a few books, and then he asked me to snuggle with him till he fell asleep.
Hollis: blah blah blah blah. Do you know what I said Tamara?
Me: nope.
Me: blah blah blah blah blahblah. I love you too Hollis.

Today I missed people a lot. I keep thinking about people who I want to keep around and who matter to me and I don't want to loose touch. It's kind of hard to do.... but, it made it even better when Sean called!!!! We talked for about an hour and it was really great. He knows me so well.

Now I'm sipping on a hot matte tea at Bennu. Hmm.

Thoughts of late:
you absolutely must listen to the National. Mr. November is a winner.
you should also download Davno by Sasa Bulic. It's free... http://www.amazon.com/Davno/dp/B002JP054K
I don't like cults that act like Christianity. It's scary and bad and yuck. No me gusta.
I also don't like people who blame other people incessantly for their own mistakes. I know everyone does this some, but some people can't let it go.

I want to go for a run someday and not think about how many calories I or didn't burn. It's kind of getting old.

Song of the day-
You Are Free: Mates of State
I had a dream last night
That we lost the fight
I had a reason to stay in the back of my head
Still, I have to say goodbye
Here, in this bed

You are free
You are free

You oughta lay down low
Covered in packs of snow
Lay down low
Covered in packs of snow

Your hands they know
We're nearing the end

You are free
You are free

Stop telling me the right way to go
I'm on my own
You're selling our old ways
Stop telling me the right way to go

You are free
You are free
Living things need to be free
You are free
Like everything wants to be


  1. I love your Bennu picture :)
    What's the probability that there will be a significant amount of Bennu pictures in our blogs over the next few months?
