Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sorry, I just threw up a little in my mouth...

Things that gross me out:

massive amounts of PDA
the thought of Tom smearing someone with mustard (grey poupon, to be exact)
really fatty foods

Did you know that 74.3% of calories in bacon is fat. That's over half fat. Nasty!
creepy cultic versions of Christianity
certain groups of people having sex
lasic eye surgery
this guy:
What the F is he???? Sick-fucking-nasty. For more see:

Things that make me mad:

evil dictators
the fact that people starve to death

I hate that we're conditioned to not feel sick when we see this. It really happens. All the time.
the fact that some people still think it's ok to sell humans
douche know-it-alls
back stabbers

people who have to copy someone to "know" who they are
people who are never wrong
skinny people

Grr. Size 0. I hate you forever.
gas prices

Some things that make me happy:


I miss this!
my apartment

Bella! I miss having a dog!
good movies

Things that make me laugh:

That's what she said

What am I going to do when HIMYM ends???

Betrayal, even the most mild and passive aggressive forms of it, make me angry. Remember that time you wanted me to just be honest with you? Well I was, and it got me real far.

Cathedral of Junk

Anywho. I had off today and it was wonderful except for the part where, for some reason, having a four day weekend makes it seem like hell to have to go back to work. I know once I'm there I'll be fine, but for the time being it sucks.
I slept in for a while this morning and then got up and played guitar. I love playing guitar, but it frustrates the crap out of me at the same time. After that I watched my guilty pleasure, Bones. :) Love that show! Then Kyrsten came home early and we went somewhere I had been meaning to take her for a while. She used to have a boyfriend, so taking her on dates was difficult, not so much anymore. Now she's all mine. Bahahaha!
Yup. You can focus on just this side of the shot. :) Got that for ya.

*Cough* Yeah. Um, where was I? Oh right! The Cathedral of Junk! It is an amazing Austin place to go. You should all go there sometime. :) It's like a play house built by a grown man who understands the need for those even when you grow up. Who declared those kind of things "kid" things??? Lots of fun. At the point that I had climbed to the third level and out onto a rickety bridge, I felt like I had gotten a tiny itty bitty rush. You know how much I love those!!
Pretty girl.

After that we went to one of our favorite places ever, Barton dog park. Mildly cute tall boy with puppy and tattoos, thank you for being there.
You wouldn't think a pile of junk would be cool, but it is. The child in me loved it!

Oh, we also got Daily Juice. Yum. That place is so freaking expensive, but so so so good. Maybe when I grow up I'll start my own juice place that will be less expensive.

Bennu picture!
Well I'm sure you could all guess what happened next...we went to Bennu. Yaaaaaaaaay...... It's somehome less exciting than it used to be. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but really? It's time to find other things to do. Things that don't cost money! Kyrsten was bold again tonight and asked this guy we see there like every time we go if we could join him at his table. His name is Antonio. He's an entrepreneur who wants school reform. He's new to Austin. He's strong minded and blunt. He's a libertarian. I liked him. He was cool.

So before this week I had gone like, oh I don't know, 3-4 weeks without smoking. Well, this past week I smoked twice. No more this week! I refuse! I will save the last few in my last pack ever for emergencies!

*I think hipsters do what they do out of the human need to be idiosyncratic. The only problem is they throw themselves into another "class" and therefore cease to be individual. The very process of trying to be unique but yet still excepted in society requires them to belong to some group. Truly "unique" people are usually considered deviants. I don't know how to be interesting and outstanding and fit onto todays society. I think most people who do it well are exceptionally smart, independent, open minded, and honest. Blahblahblah. Enough.

So I have a plan. I know, I know, I say I've decided what to do with my life like a billion times a month. I spent a couple hours crying, thinking, and trying to pray about this though. I'm going to put this plan up somewhere I can see it. I'm going to think about it everyday. I going to look into what it would actually take. I'm going to revise it and map my thoughts/revisions. When I turn 21 (June 8, 2011), I'm going to consider it official. I'm going to work towards it with everything I have....for a year. If I hate it, deem it impossible, or something radical changes it, then only after a year, will I give up and try something new. I mean, there might be exceptions to that year thing, but that's what I'm going for. So then by my 22nd birthday I will either carry on or reconsider....or kill myself because I've lost all hope of meaning.
Here it goes:
-I save and go to school for a degree in Studio Art (in Lacoste, France)

Yes please.

-I come back to America and get my Masters in Social Work, specializing in art therapy.
-During the summers I would go get Montessori training. This program is considered a Masters in Education. (So when I finished I would have two masters.)

Art Therapy is so incredible!

-I then would embark on opening a school for abused/trafficked children. (Maybe in another country?) It would probably be a live in program. It would offer a good education, while also providing counseling and therapy. (Art therapy is shown to be one of the best means of reaching children who have been through traumatic experiences.)

-If I was successful, I would then make it my goal to open other schools like the one I start with around the country/world.

I know. It's ambitious and stupid, but I want to be educated, I want to help others, I want to study art, I want to dream too big rather than too little. So this is what I came up with. :D

I have always loved this quote. I don't care how "mainstream" and cheesy it is!

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