Monday, February 14, 2011


Today today today....blah. Glad I made it to the end...

This morning we took the kids, all 16 of them, and our 103 Valentines we made this past week to an assisted living center. We were under the impression there would be elderly, but mostly still living oxygen or anything. We were misled. Felix spend a good portion of the time with his arms tightly squeezed around my neck after a woman with restraints tried to grab his arm and called him "her sonny." On the flip side there was Harper who when asked to help pass out Valentines disapeared and we found her wandering through the rooms handing them out and telling them "Happy Valentines DAY!!!!!!" She's 2. She hardly talks to us. But apparently she likes old people. :) When Deesha found her the woman who's room she was in was crying because she was so happy.

103 Hearts.

On our way home, Amari honored those of us in my car with an impromptu song that went something like this:
Oh foggy foggy day.
oh beautiful foggy day.
Tamara is in the front of the car.
Tamara is our teacher.
I love Tamara!
OHHHHHHH foggy foggy day!!!!!!
Oh day of Valentines.
Why are you pink?
*Harper tries to join in*
"Um, Harper, this is my song. Please so interrupting."
OOOOH. Harper is trying to sing my song!
Foggy day.
Foggy foggy foggy day.

That was the gist of it. :) I was so privileged to make it into her song.
After that I worked and worked. It was a long day. Not enough sleep, 9 hours of work, people asking me if I had a valentines date.... :P

It's cute because it looks like they're hugging.... :)
(Might be one of my favorite pics I've taken. PS.)

When I finally got off I headed to CM for flowers and firecracker chocolate for my date. :)

*then there was this little part of the day that I sat in my car and cried*


Anyway. Then Kyrsten and I got ready to go for dinner and a movie. Then we of course hung out and laughed and sat on our couch. Way to salvage this day Kyrsten.

You know it's love when you can take picture of what looks like your skin pealing off and laugh hysterically together.

Now I'm trying to decide between bed and midnight trip to the gym to try and shake this horrible mood I'm in...I really can't decide if I'm tired or not. Happy or sad. Good day or bad. I'm such a girl. Haha.

My one true Valentine. Love my Dad!

Other good things that happened today:
make dinner plans with Siobhan
got a card from my daddy (my first and most important Valentine)
got to talk to Jen (one of my favorite moms from work) about life
ate a chocolate pudding snack
got daily juice (YUM)

I'm so happy I'm going to see Siobhan soon!!!

About Today: The National
Today you were far away
and I didn't ask you why
What could I say
I was far away
You just walked away
and I just watched you
What could I say

How close am I to losing you

Tonight you just close your eyes
and I just watch you
slip away

How close am I to losing you

Hey, are you awake
Yeah I'm right here
Well can I ask you about today

How close am I to losing you
How close am I to losing

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