Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dose of Speirits

Today was great.
Slept in till late. Woke up comfy with one of my favorite people. Went for lunch at Sonic, always a good choice. Then we went to End of and Ear. It's a record store on S. 1st. It was a lot of fun. Siobhan got some AMAZING records. Arcade Fire + Jay-Z = happy me. Her player gets great sound too. There's something about might be because my Dad used to put on records and play them really loud with his air guitar. Those where the good days.

After that we listened to music, read a magazine (more on that tomorrow) and then...well the bed ate us alive and forced us to take an hour nap. :)

After that we went to Resurrection Tattoo to get Ken his first ink and Siobhan her 4th! Torture. Pure torture. I think, even though I can't afford it, I'm getting one this week...anyways, it was loads of fun. Makes me happy. Both of them were fantastic.

That's all. I'm tired. Pictures can say everything I could think of to say tonight.

I want a juicer. I love fresh juice.

One downfall of today. Thought about this too much. Stupid.

Fucking creepiest cake ever....

Cute lamp!

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