Friday, February 11, 2011

Stay tuned fore tomorrows-What I'm Saving for!

I'm in a real people hyper mood, not in a blog hyper mood. Good news for you people. It won't be too long. It's a short one. Painless....

I think I'll start from the end since it was the best.
Dinner date with Kyr at 24 diner. (I'm glad I'm claiming it back. I like going places I have bad memories in, and replacing them with good memories. It's like deleting really crapy music you never listen to, and finding some really some bad ass awesome new favorite music. Good stuff.) Also, we laughed and joked about a lot of know. Stuff.
"Dear Family, Kyr, Rell, a few others, thank you."
Prior to that I hung out with my grandparents. I love them. We talked about sex, Asians, politics, math, marriage, boys, commitment issues, love, masturbation, and cooking. It was great. I also went to Costco with my Granddad. We tasted all the samples and I got to meet all the sample ladies because my granddad knows them all. He goes every Friday. :) Cute.

My mom called today. I love when my mom calls. :)

I got my hair cut!!!! Yay! It is now the right color and I actually can handle touching it since all the dead ends got cut off!!! If you are female, you know why this is exciting. Thank you Birds for giving me a great Austin experience, and a pretty decent hair cut.
At 24 Diner for a dinner date. Also, new bangs.
Photo cred: Kyr

Oh. Last night. $1 dollar sandwiches at Jimmy John's. Yum. I love food. Especially cheap food. :)

Blah blah blah. I've been laughing so much nothing is funny or interesting anymore...

got new sunglasses the other day. they're pretty much awesome. I love them.
Thanks for modeling my glasses kyr.

It was Stella's party!!!! Her parents are amazing and so patient. It was good day and a bad day and I have laughed and cried and all together I call it a success.

And last, not to be dramatic, I just like this song right now.

The Civil Wars: The Girl With the Red Balloon
There's a pub on the South side of town
Time stands still while there's still wine around
She's the one in the calico
The one who's always and never alone

Did she let him go or did the four winds blow him away
Does she even know
She's the girl with the red balloon

Keep her glass full of cheap champagne
She will tell of a man with no name
Smoke and mirrors have done her in
She's in love and she won't be again

Did she let him go or did the four winds blow him away
Does she even know
She's the girl with the red balloon

So lovely
So lonely
Floating away

Did she let him go or did the four winds blow him away
Does she even know

Did she let him go or did the four winds blow him away
Does she even know
She's the girl
She's the girl with the red balloon

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