Wednesday, February 16, 2011

allez tous vous faire foutre!


Today= confusing.
Today= WAY too tired
Today= drama
Today= feeling much too old and much too young...
Today= good!
Today= loud
Today= sore
Today= bad ass

You know days like that?

I woke up late to start off. I'm rushing to get ready and definitely did not have time to eat anything. Then as I'm driving down 45th, I see this dog. He's running. Away from his master. Toward my car. Now if you've ever driven down 45th you know how close that street is. There's not any room. So knowing I was going to have to choose between hitting a car and crashing or maybe hitting the dog, I braced myself and slowed down. I hit him. Or maybe I should say he hit me since he literally did leap in front of my car. The dog was fine. Probably a broken leg. The owner was going to take him to the vet...i had a good cry and then pulled myself together for work.

Work should have been short today since it was music day but for some reason today it was just long and music class was really loud and everybody is getting sick so they're all grumpy and throw fits every five minutes. "Tamara, Felix is copying me!" "Tamara, Sarah and Delphi aren't letting me play with them!" "Tamara, Kaden pushed me!" "Tamara, Harper didn't take care of her things!" On and on. Needless to say working with them make me really not want other silly conflict in my life.

For lunch I ran again. Beat my time from yesterday! Only slightly, but still gratifying. I am going to be so freaking sore tomorrow...

I want my back to look as pretty as hers only with different tattoos

After work I headed to Hampton to see Rell for a minute. Everyone that shouldn't have been there was. Hampton breads drama. It was really great. Then there was more drama and more today and it was like high school and then it wasn't. Yay.

Then I went to Aaron! We used to hang out lots when he hung out with Sean and Anthony and I but I hadn't seen him in forever. He was so kind as to teach me how to shoot his 9mm! We went to a range and shot. SO MUCH FUN. I was terrified at first and my first round I almost quit and freaked out and was really freaked out by the kick and how loud it all was and yeah. My next one though, not going to lie, I was ok with. For my first time ever shooting anything like that, I say I did a decent job. I mean, I'm a girl with horrible hand-eye coordination. I was expecting total humiliation. It helped that the few people around seemed very supportive of the only girl's there first shooting. :) A few offered tips on how to improve and none of them where mean. Aaron was really nice and patient. I did feel like a bad ass even though I was shaking.

After that we returned home to watch The Room with Anthony. It's a Valentines tradition that came a couple days late, but still glad we did it. That movie is epically horrible and no one reading this should watch it unless you like to laugh at awful movies, can handle long awkward scenes, and don't mind doing what most would consider "wasting" over an hour of your life.

All in all I'm going to choose to let the good out way the bad and say it was a good day.

this is my happy place today. hmmm.

Tegan and Sara: Painting Songs
It must be something in the way you walk

it must be something in the way you talk

I'm not sure just yet

it must be something in the way you dream, you just go home and the thirteen days in between you and I

this is me before
I fall apart
this is me before
I come undone

I've been tired for days and days
I've been tired for days and days

wishing that I had a fortune- don't

all the beauty and I say stop
well, won't you be mine

it must be something
in the way you taste
your lips are magic sauce
and I say stop

well, won't you be mine

this is me before
I fall apart
this is me before
I come undone

I've been tired for days and days
I've been tired for days and days

well it could have been a month or
it could have been a year but I
I gave up long before
long before you cared
her art inspired me to
to do my best and
to paint my music like
like I saw it best and
she says I grew up well
well, well I grew up strong
'cause no one's got my back
no one's gonna write me my songs

it could have been a month or
it could have been a year but I
I gave up long before


I've been tired for days and days
I've been tired for days and days and days
I've been tired for days and days and days
I've been tired for days and days and days
I've been tired for days and days and days

it could have been a month or
it could have been a year but I
I gave up long before
long before you cared
her art inspired me to
to do my best and
to paint my music like
like I saw it best and
she says I grew up well
well, well I grew up strong
'cause no one's got my back
no one's gonna write me my songs

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