Thursday, February 10, 2011


Well I already missed a day. Fail. This is a summary of yesterday though. You'll soon understand why I missed it.
7:30- woke up after getting about 3 hours of sleep.
8:15-went to work
11:45-took a 15 min break to grab lunch
5:30-got off work and went home
6:00-fixed printer and started getting a migraine
7:00- was really cold so I took a bath and about 5 tylenol
2:30 am- woke up, took moor meds then back to bed

Aren't you sad i didn't post this yesterday. To think you had to wait for that..... WOOOO!

Unfortunately today has not been much better.
Stella was amazing today. She has so much imagination. I love that kid. Her birthday is tomorrow! :) I'm excited. Does it make my life pathetic if I get excited about a kid turning 3? I think not, but who knows. Besides that work was normal. Everyone was especially cuddly. I love days when they're cuddly. It means they're less bad usually...and then when they are they just want you to hold them while they tell you how sorry they are. Ahh. I love kids. So easy to resolve conflict when you're 3.

Kona came over again this evening. I think she's great. We have a similar taste in humor. She has a good laugh. She doesn't like blue pens. It's a beautiful thing. She's a keeper.
Never have I had such a hard time getting a cute picture. Ugh.

I then made the fatal mistake of going to hampton....D was there. Drama was there. Lots of people were there....good news, I got my shorts. Also good news, I saw Rell and made plan for coming to Bennu with her tonight! and got a present that was so me. :) hmmm. Thanks babe. (Oh, and my heart oozes with love for her. It can't contain it. I can't express it) Those where her words...these are mine.
Thank you for not being crazy. Thank you for not sucking at life. Thank you for putting up with me when I suck at life. Thank you for not being male. Thank you for living. Thanks for making this day better. Thanks for my note pad. (If you need to borrow one for hampton life, just let me know :) I'm happy to share.) I love you. I hope you're one of those girls that sticks around. Because I like you.
Best random gift ever

This is what I think. I think that the whole, "Oh no, run away! She's PMSing!" thing is bullshit. (No. I'm not PMSing, I will not post it in my blog when I am either. It's just come up in conversation lately.) This is why I think it's bullshit. Yes, girls tend to think with their uterus during their "time of month." I can admit that we can be slightly irrational, emotional, and silly. BUT. Boys, think with their dicks, like 95% of the fucking time. They also think that it's reality.
"Oh i love you" from a boy usually translates as "I want to fuck you."
"You look really pretty today." usually translates to "That outfit makes me want to fuck you."
"Let's be friends." can mean "If you get drunk with me, I will try to fuck you and claim I was drunk."

But they don't think that. They think that they mean it. I can pretty much always can tell when I'm PMSing. I apologize when I'm being overly bitchy or emotional. I try to filter what I'm doing.

Also, sorry, I just need to get this out, boys lately, totally turning into girls. All the drama I know about, it's because of boys being dramatic. Sure, the girls I know can be dramatic sometimes, and sometimes even Kyr and I, the perfect room mates ;) get into little tiffs, but we talk about it and work it out and we're fine. Boys. Not so much. They're moody, and needy. Where are all the men??? They're crying when confronted. They're crying about daddy issues. They're crying about emotional scenes in movies...I mean I like a guy who cry when need be. But not the ones that weep every time a horse gets shot or someone looks at them wrong and possibly implies they look fat in those jeans....

On the flip side, I am displaying some major classic boy flaws. Namely, commitment issues. But whatever. At least I'm not crying when bambi's mom dies.


Reading this awesome book. Thank you Mr. Comstock, I know we disagreed on some stuff, but this book is legit. Me gusta.
It's called Zero. It's a totally nerdy book about...yes...the number zero. The history of the number zero. You think it would be boring, but it is so far from it! I am not at all a math person, but this book is fascinating and clever and it combines history and how people think and math and religion and's awesome. If you read at all and like cool things at all, READ THIS BOOK!
Really cool nerdy book even non nerds should read

I'm on the hunt for job number dos. I'm restless. I need to do. Also, if I work more, I'm bored less, I make more money, I have less time to spend money, I can save to go anywhere but here...YES.
Italy? France? Uganda? India? I miss Italy and Uganda today. But I also am ready for something new. I want to see it all! God, why did you give me this desire to go and see and do???? Ugh. Make me boring and a home body. :(
Miss these kids. Lord, I miss them.

I want to speak Italian!!!

I also, speaking of homes, have been thinking about mine. I want a big kitchen. I also want it full of children. Adopted children. My children. Lots of children. I'm happiest with children. I also want no doors on my cabinets in my kitchen. They always freak me out for some reason and I think they look better without it.

I want a bathtub like this. (Bottle of wine included please.)

I also plan on having glass stairs. So awesome.

Make me do more art!!! I don't know who I'm talking Blog world? few people who read this? Something, someone, anyone!!!! It makes me feel more complete but I get all stressed and scared of failure or some shit so I don't. LAME.
Did this like a billion years 4. I like it though

Her face is wrong. Also did this in high school. I want to try again. Takes so long though

Finally finished my tree I started like, last year. hah. not how I wanted it to turn out...oh well.

I almost forgot. Kyr got chocolate pudding.
Thanks babe! You're awesome.

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