Tuesday, February 8, 2011

does it ever end?

What I want to know is if hormones are catching in the sense that if you hang out with someone with them in abundance, it can make you more irritable. Or maybe people are just really more stupid today. :)

Today was, for the most part, boring. Yesterday we made valentines in class. Today we made more valentines in class. 82 of 103 finished. My 16 beautiful and wonderful kids (the highlight of my day usually) are all going to Gracy Farms Assisted Living on Valentines day to sing and pass out valentines.

When Deesha (my boss) and I were talking to Hollis yesterday about it, he scrunched up his face and said, "I don't think the animals will really care about us singing or about valentines. I don't think they would appreciate it very much." (Appreciate? He's a pretty clever kid). "Hollis, it's not that kind of farm. It's for old people who need help." "They farm old people?????" hahaha.
Yesterday Stella announced she was Dorothy and kept loosing Todo. Today she was the evil Witch of the West. She has so much imagination.

Central Market salad again for lunch. YUMMMMMMMMM. Makes me happy. Then I went to see Shirelle for our Tuesday lunch. She got me some coffee (YAY) and then I dropped her off at school. I just want you to know, UT students are jerks in the best of situations, in the worst, aka, the Oscar Meyer wiener car is on campus, they're even worse. "Oh, yes I just looked at you and saw you were trying to get by, but I'm a student, so fuck you, wait while I take this picture." *I rev my car to scare them* They look again to see if I'm going to run them over.*I flip them off* "Oh, you just flipped me off and are obviously angry. Well, it's the Oscar Meyer wiener car, the most exciting thing that will happen in my other wise boring and meaningless life, wait." *I inch forward.* They move.* Victory.

I also wen to the gym again today! Yes! Also, good news. KYR MIGHT JOIN!!! Then we can go together! You have no idea how awesome this fact is.

So enough about my boring and meaningless day and onto my even more boring thoughts.
The weak at heart should stop now....turn back before it's too late!
Kidding. this will not be scaring, exciting, or even interesting.
So i guess I should say the sleepy should turn back now. :)
best cappuccino

I'm sitting drinking a fantastic cappuccino (thank you rather attractive bennu man. it's great) and it's making me miss Italy. I always kind of have this itch to go and do and see, but same days are worse than others. today is one of those days. If i could, I would sell my car and buy a one way ticket to Malaysia. I would also buy a motorcycle and bike to Europe. The Great Trek. Mhh. Delicious Ugh. So impractical. I just can't stay in one place for this long! This song. This is the song.

Into the Sun: Lord Huron
Tell my family I had to leave. I'm going away. Tell my friends for me. They'd all agree that I gotta get out of here.

Give my things away. Forget my name. I'm leaving today. If you see me again, it'll be my skeleton, cause I won't be back alive.

I'm gonna sail that boat right into the sun, cause everybody knows that's how it's done.
Now don't you cry and don't you wait, if I meet my end, well, that'd be my fate.

You are as soft as a feather. You are as gorgeous as ever. You are exactly what I should want. But I don't want you.

I Wouldn't survive one more day.

Download it. I mean why not? It's free.

Central Market Picnic from yesterday

In other news. Well ok let's just say this song is the other news. Only I'm still a virgin. So maybe not. Be artsy and weird and try and interpret it how you will.....

(ps. excuse the language. They're from Selkirk (Scotland) so it's ok. They can say those things.)
Keep Yourself Warm: Frightened Rabbit
Can you see in the dark?
Can you see the look on your face?
The flashing white light's been turned off,
You don't know know who's in your bed.

It takes more than fucking someone you don't know to keep warm.
Do you really think that for a house-beat you'll find your love in a hole?

Oh, you won't find love in a,
Won't find love in a hole.
It takes more than fucking someone to keep yourself warm.

my lovely math major room mate

our awesome dinner from yesterday

Last, but certainly not least. Kyr and I have so much fun! We laugh endlessly. I think we're more fun without boys around. Maybe all women are better without men around...ANYWAY. The That's what she said jokes are getting way out of hand in the best kind of way. Then there's laughing till our abs are dying doing P90X Ab ripper X. Hell yeah. We're beasts. And our abs? They're not quite 6 packs, but getting there.... this will make those who are grown up and yet immature enough for it laugh until they get hard...their abs i mean. http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/van/1625829503.html

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