Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kyrs better with a yoyo than I could ever dream of being

Today I’m babysitting for one of my favorite families ever. LeeAnn and Dave are fantastic parents and a total godsend when I needed a job. They’re really relaxed and cool and understanding and fun. I like them a lot. Also, they adopted three black kids and are considering fostering more! They’re wonderful. They’re kids are equally awesome. They’re funny, loving, creative, and sarcastic. Very much like their parents. Felix is sleeping at the moment; Gigi and Mable are playing, so I’m taking this opportunity to write some now since I won’t have time tonight since John is coming!!! Yay!

Kyr came over to hang out with us for a while and we took the kids with us to HEB, then to show them our apartment, then for lunch. I think that Kyrsten and I would make pretty decent foster parents. We decided if we’re not married by the time we’re 25 and still can handle living together, we’re going to be foster parents. It might not be the ideal “family” situation, but it would be better than most foster care situations. We’re great with kids, could probably teach a parenting classes, would cook organic and healthy, take them to CM to play…it would be great.

Playing the where I give a topic and we talk about it. It helps kids put things into appropriate groups
Tamara: Gigi, what are some things you like that you see outside?
Gigi: Butt crack.
Tamara: Well…ok sometimes that is outside, but not what I was going for…

John is coming to see me all the way from College Station! I’m so excited. When I get off work I get to hang out with him! I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about it tomorrow but since I’ll be with him this evening I’m not really planning on blogging this evening. :)

As promised, along with some other lists.

Things I want to do more:
Send notes in the mail

Tell strangers nice things
Do Austin things


Check my oil and tire pressure
Pack my coffee or tea so I’m not tempted to buy any


Things I’m saving for:
New tattoos!!!

Road trip
Moving to France/Italy (maybe going to school?)
Lazic eye surgery
Plastic surgery (kidding)
Clothes that I actually want to wear
Victoria Secret’s Swimsuits…hmmm. :)
A motorcycle…or vespa…

A stick shift car

Things I want to learn
How to sew my own clothes
How to design and build things (like working with power tools and the math involved…)
How to cook really, really well

How to paint
To have a better vocabulary
French and Italian (maybe not fluent, but proficient)

So yesterday I went to Costco and Birds and I was desperate for new music. Also, the other day I was talking to Mitch and something happened in the room during our conversation that upset me. He noticed and asked if I was ok. Then he really randomly goes, “I bet you miss Sean. He could always tell what to say and stuff. He was good in these situations.” I almost cried on the spot, but I did not. I missed going on Costco runs with him, I missed going with him to get his hair cut, I missed him finding awesome new music, I missed him getting how funny we both think life and people can be. :) I’m glad I have and have had, such awesome friends as I’ve been blessed with in my life. I mean, friends come and go. I’ve actually lost a few lately and was really not happy about it. Thinking about it now though, I’m realizing I still have good friends and the ones that matter most, who I love the most, who love me the most, don’t disappear over stupid drama and we never talk again. I’m glad I have some of those. They make life very much more fun and defiantly worth living!!!!

*more people who have stood the test of time and should totally be on the list especially lately because I’ve been thinking about them and how I’ll love them forever no matter what. (There are a lot more who could be here I’m sure. These are like the I’ve known you forever list)
John T.
Annie A.
Ann D.

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