Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekend, Oh weekend

It's Friday! And praise the lord that it is. This weekend is going to be super busy though...

Today work was good. Really chill. I needed a calm day. At noon when I got off I headed straight for the lake. 3.07 miles. In 27 min. WTF??? I used to be able to run it so much faster! That's almost 9 min miles! Gross. Anyways. I've taken such a huge break from running lately I guess it'll just take time. I think I'm going to try and go back Monday and try again. I will get up to 5 miles at 6:35 min miles. I will.

Running is easier seeing this

Dear boy who went sprinting by me and gave me that smug smile-
Your abs were beautiful. Your arms were perfect. Your speed impressive. Your legs sculpted. I wanted to throw you in the lake. But running past you later as you heaved and coughed and wheezed because you couldn't pace yourself, and the look of defeat in your eyes as they met mine, well it all worked out in the end. :)
-love the girl in blue running jacket who stopped to ask if you were ok

After I got done I drove home feeling like shit. I mean. It's a great feeling knowing I pushed myself really hard, but I felt bad. Shaky, cold, hot, in pain and coughing really bad. I think I need to look into this idea of exercise induced asthma. Anyways, I was starving, which made since since I hadn't eaten anything yet. I ate: a taco, some pesto pasta, a thin mint (thanks Kyr), and the rest of my java chip ice cream. Calories burned: 300 Calories Eaten: 700. Haha. A good way to not loose weight... Ugh.

Anyways. I bathed, showered, packed and then came to babysit Hollis. Love this kid. He's the best.
After I finish up here I'm off to Siobhan's house to sleep because tomorrow we have a busy day!!! Yay! I can't wait!!!

Funny story about how sad I am:
I was on someone's facebook who I only know through a mutual friend. I see a girl who is pretty. I start stalking her. I'm thinking to myself, "she is so familiar! I know her! But how??" I get about 6-7 photos in and I realize I've stalked her before....Then Kyr shows me this guy she finds attractive who she met at Bennu. "This is him...ignore the first pic..." "heh...I've stalked him before." "What???" My life is sad. I think I've stalked like half the stalkable people on facebook. Bahaha.

The color yellow is taking over my mind with accents of teal and green and blue. I want to be able to speak in color instead of words. That would be awesome.


The beach!

Italia. I love you.

This bed looks divine

I cannot express how sad I am this isn't me.




In case you missed it yesterday: I LOVE THIS DRESS

I am not cool enough to own a bike like this.

If you find one of these, I will buy it, no matter the cost. Just get it!

I plan on making one of these soonish.
Let you know how that goes.

The room is much. the tub is amazing.

Makes me think of Sean. I want to have tea and talk to Sean right now!

Photo shoot of Kyr in our green dress.

Grey is also good. Make me feel peaceful:

I miss summer:

I turn 21 this summer

Snow cone with no syrup=summer


Why can I not still pull this look off?

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