Sunday, February 6, 2011

not sure at all

I don't know why I'm doing this. I never keep up with this kind of thing. The only one I kept up with for a while was the one I kept with Siobhan for so long.

So I've been thinking lately, (lame start to anything I know), about how horrible I am at keeping friends. I don't know what it is. Maybe my deep fear of commitment? Maybe the fact that I can at times be horribly abrasive? Maybe it's just them.. ;) Whatever it is I'm ready to work on finding those friends that mean a lot to me and keeping them. Working at keeping them. Loving them better than I have. Calling them (Lord knows I hate the phone though...) and what not. I want that group of friends I can count on, I can call, they can call me, we can go get coffee to talk, go break rules when we need a rush, and laugh endlessly about nothing. The ones who I would drive hours if they needed me and who would drive hours with me if we just needed to get out of the state. I think I have had (and lost) friends like that. Not anymore!

Blah. Enough dramatics.
Today was awful and boring to start, but after making breakfast, Kyr and I ventured from our apartment! HOORAH! Went to a fabulous race to see a beautiful and fantastic Kona beast at life. It was brilliant. She did great. She's one of those people I hope sticks around. Then I met Rell for swinging in the park to vent about life.

After that, Shirelle (who had a rough day), Kyr (who had a rough day) and I, all went to eat and see Peter who was great. _____________ Then we went and threw _____________ over the rail at the Lamar bridge, acted like hooligans, ate an amazing desert at Halcyon, where Kyr was brave enough to _____________, and then came home and watched ____________.

None of that was as scandalous as you might think or hope, but enough where it can't all be mentioned in full detail here. Those who know, know, and that's all that matters.

Tomorrow I need to upload my art of late. a new collage to hopefully inspire me to keep investigating what I like, and a sketch for Siobhan. (If you end up reading this, I'm terribly sorry dear. You're one of those friends I should never have let get away. You mean far too much to me!!!)