Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ice Cream and Chick Flicks, Heck Yeah

I could not have asked for a better day. Ok I mean it wasn't super duper fantastic, but it was good. It was the kind of good that wasn't fluffy good. It was the "went to work, did something fun, helped someone, everyday, plain but beautiful" good. :) Prepare yourselves. There are lots of pictures. Most I didn't take, some I did.

Work was work. It was actually kind of long, but after yesterday I didn't mind. Haha. Deesha and I talked a lot today which helped. I have the best boss ever.
After school we painted. I have some of the cutest and most amazing kids!

Rain Boots

One of the prettiest children I know

Hollis makes happy

watercolors hmm. :)

This child makes my day almost everyday.

After work I headed to Mt. Bonnel. I had said yesterday not to expect anything and it made me want to take pictures. So I did. It was such a gorgeous day and the sun was perfect and the air was perfect. Delightful. Love it. Gosh. Thank you Jesus for today.

I am so unoriginal. I always have one of these. I always like them. I always think they're stupid. Ugh. Why can't I be better??

I was planning on making another stop, but then on Mopac I passed two women pulled over with a flat. I was compelled to stop, so I did. They only spoke spanish, I only speak English, but I definitely had more tire changing experience and we had a good laugh about the trials of getting the freaking tire nut things off. It felt good. To help. I had a good feeling driving away. Thanks dad for teaching me how to change tires...I hope they made it home and the tire I put on their car didn't come off or anything.

This is my, "In case I die, this will be my last picture" picture.

From pulled over on Mopac.

Then home to dinner cooked by Kyr, ice cream, and a chick flick. The perfect ending to a great day.

Oh, real quick, to the man who shook his junk and solicited me for sex. Fuck you. Gross. I did not want to see that. Next time, I am so getting you license plate number and reporting your sorry pathetic desperate ass.


Wine, cigarette, the beach, pretty. Yes please. Almost 21!

I want to wear a hat like this to a horse race. Future boyfriend, cute cheesy date I would actually like. Here's one.

I'm obsessed with this yellow! Can I pull off yellow?? I adore it!

I'm glad I took a break from scary movies. I'm ready though now. I can't do them alone...

It rained today. Like a perfect rain. And not when I wanted to have the kids outside. Love. Love. Love.

Need: a polaroid camera

This dress...gahaalhsdf. I want. and her body wouldn't hurt either. While I'm at it, her face too...thanks.

I want to learn to sail.

I want to be classy. I think I would have to stop cussing to be classy though...

I want a greenhouse. Preferably on the roof.

I want to get flowers. I don't like romantic crap...but then somewhere deep down I do...

Peaceful. Clean.

Diana Cameras are the bomb. Look up Diana Camera photography. Obsession.

Here's more of that yellow... :) also, adorable shoes.

I want this in my closet. I love shoes.

Italy. I will live here some day.

Really? It's like the perfect sex hammock. Sorry, but you know you thought that too...maybe...

I just like this dress a lot. I want to go out in this.


Can I have him?

Or him?

on a horse on the beach. Mhhhh. Yes.

I want to do this on the beach.

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